Monday, March 10, 2008 ARSIS: (2004) A Celebration Of Guilt @320kbps Iwould have never in a million years expected a traditional melodicdeath revival to come from two guys from Virginia, but it has. Whileinflunenced by bands such as At the Gates, they don't rip them off. Arsisis much faster and more aggresive than anything by At the Gates. Thevocalist/bass/guitar player sounds a little bit like Tomas Lindberg andthe drummer is one of the best and fastest I've ever heard. If Amazonhad half star rating this would probably get a 4.5 since there are afew downsides. Obviously, two people aren't going to come up with asdiverse of material as 4 or 5 and as a result the songs sound somewhatsimilar and the production leaves something to be desired. Other thanthat this is a killer album. Props to Arsis and Insomnium for staying true.
1. the face of my innocence
2. maddening disdain
3. seven whispers fell silent
4. return
5. worship depraved
6. carnal ways to recreate the heart
7. dust and guilt
8. elegant and perverse
9. the sadistic motives behind be
10. looking to nothing
11. wholly night
=========================== pw = heavymetalbreed
给出2004年专辑的Rapidshare链接: [url=][/url]