Jennie Muskett/IMAX系列记录片/生命的秘密/1993/RF/115 IMAX拓展阅读 1. Theme (04:36)
2. The First Forests (01:39)
3. Dragonfly (01:00)
4. Army of Trees and a New World of Color (04:33)
5. Killer Plants (02:53)
6. Grasses (02:31)
7. Wealth from the Grasses (01:41)
8. Kuwait Oil Fires (01:38)
9. The Broken Contract (01:26)
10. Recycling Frenzy (00:50)
11. Beauty Under the Sea (01:33)
12. Keeping the Contract (03:45)
13. Sacred Volcanic lake (01:26)
14. Farewell to Paektusan (02:56)
15. Sounds of a Costa Rica Rainforest (15:07)
16. Sounds of a Queensland Rainforest (15:09) RF