伦敦提琴经典 ( 24K 金CD)
Hovland - New Star in the Audio Sky / The London String Sound
★最美的弦乐尽在这一张「伦敦提琴经典」!从指挥家 Geoffrey Simon 邀集英国知名管弦乐团中最顶尖的弦乐演奏家所灌录的五张精彩弦乐录音中,精心挑选十三首动人心弦的经典曲目,弦乐迷人的松香味一次听个够!
★美国发烧大厂 Hovland 强力背书,Top Music 特别取得 Cala 唱片公司的原始母带,全程採用 Top Music 专利的高精密度母带处理技术(High Precision Mastering)处理!
说到弦乐之美,谁能与指挥家 Geoffrey Simon 争锋?从 London Cello Sound 开始,Geoffrey Simon 一步一步建立起他享誉全球的「弦乐王国」。Geoffrey Simon 精挑细选英国四大乐团:伦敦爱乐、皇家爱乐、爱乐管弦乐团与 BBC 爱乐中最顶尖的弦乐手,所组成的小提琴、中提琴、大提琴与低音提琴合奏团,所灌录的每一张专辑都获得乐迷的喜爱与乐评的高度讚赏。这张由发烧音响大厂 Hovland 强力背书的专辑便是从 Geoffrey Simon 创立的 Cala 唱片公司所推出的五张经典录音中特选出来的精选集,包括由四十把大提琴演出的 The London Cello Sound、由八把低音提琴演出的 The London Double Bass Sound、还有充满拉丁风味的二十四把大提琴演出的 Latin Cello、更有风情万种的四十八把小提琴演出的 The London Violin Sound 与四十八把中提琴演出的 The London Viola Sound,只能说是精彩万分,尽显弦乐器在各音域的美感,洋溢著浓浓的松香味,让人听得耳油直冒,喜爱弦乐曲目的朋友绝对不可错过!
Performer: Geoffrey Simon
Audio CD (October 26, 2006)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: Box set
Label: Cala Records
ASIN: B00000FDJ2
5.0 out of 5 stars London Cello Sound was bought in London April 10, 2002
By Duane E. Crawford
Format:Audio CD
I wanted to get some CDs from Music & Video Exchange that reflected London music. The London Cello Sound had 40 cellos of the London Philharmonic, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonia Orchestra. I'd sell it, but it is my favorite souvenir from my London trip. The Swan, Vocalise, Sasrdana, Greensleeves Suite, and Tonight, from West Side Story go too fast, leaving me to want more. I am going to look into CALA and se what else they have. Meanwhile, I'll keep The London Cello Sound.
01. Saint-Saens: The Swan [1886] [02:59]
02. Rachmaninoff: Vocalise [1912] [06:01]
03. Casals: Sardana [1927] [05:54]
04. Balcombe: Greensleeves Suite [1993] [05:20]
05. Bernstein: Tonight, from West Side Story [1957] [02:44]
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