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(劲舞组合第八贴)带有美国西部风味的组合 Rednex - The Best of the West









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发表于 2007-7-7 20:17:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

在很久很久以前,一名瑞典知名音乐制作人派特瑞芮斯(Pat Reniz)心怀大志,企图想改变人们对于舞曲的观念,于是他收拾行囊打算长途远征寻找他的“圣杯”。
  派特的直觉将他引领至他祖先的发源地即美国伊达荷州的布诺科佛罗城,这座城带给他许多历史的存记及灵感,种种的回溯及热情更坚定了他此趟将不虚此行。在一个星期六的夜晚,他被邀请参加“布诺科佛罗谷仓舞会”,在这个日常的舞会中也奠定了他此行最丰硕的收获。这场舞会是一场嘉年华会,当晚的最高潮是当地的五人乐团演出,这五人团体是由MARY JOE(主唱)、KEN TACKY(BANJO/主唱及斑鸠琴)、BILLIE RAY及BOBBY SUE(小提琴手)及BILLY BOY STIFF(鼓手)所组成。
      在群众的欢呼及叫嚣中,派特断定这五个人就是他所要找的人,于是他把这五人签下来并取名REDNEX,这个团名纯粹是因为这五人在阳光下工作时脖子上所留下的晒斑而取的。派特将他们带回瑞典录制他们的首张专辑《SEX & VIOLINS》,1994年REDNEX风靡全球的首支单曲“COTTON EYE JOE”一发行之后即拿下欧美9个国家的舞曲金榜冠军包括了美国、英国及德国等国家,在德国“COTTON EYE JOE”更是在榜上独霸十周的冠军。“COTTON EYE JOE”这首单曲不但让全球的歌迷见识到了REDNEX的新舞曲风格,同时也让REDNEX一跃成为全球瞩目的舞曲团体;接着〈REDNEX〉发行了二首冠军单曲“OLD POP IN AN OAK”及“WISH YOU WERE HERE”!

Rednex was initially the brainchild of Swedish producers Janne Ericsson, Örjan "Öban" Öberg, Pat Reiniz
and Brian Reddyb.[1] [2] Shortly after the band's formation, Brian Reddyb left after irreconcilable
differences between himself and Örjan "Öban" Öberg. The remaining three producers stayed on, and spent a
considerable amount of time developing the brand. They decided to try mixing country music with
eurodance. They reworked the traditional folk song, "Cotton-Eyed Joe", into a dance song and released it
in 1994, to huge worldwide success. This started the Country House music fad which lasted for a few years
They recorded their songs with studio musicians, and a fake group of redneck role players to represent
the group were put together. Over the years, these performers have come and gone, and as of 2006 there
have been 11 different role players. Though they were not involved in the actual music making in the
beginning, they are responsible for the Rednex image as a whole and thus are considered just as much part
of the group as the actual musicians. In 2005 they started to play the music themselves as well taking
over all vocal parts and the music production.
An album titled Sex & Violins followed the hit song, and Rednex went on to score other hits in Europe
from that album (notably the uptempo "Old Pop In An Oak" and the ballad "Wish You Were Here"). However,
"Cotton Eye Joe" remains their only U.S. hit as of 2006 (#25 on the Billboard Charts March 1995).
A follow up album entitled Farmout was released in 2000 and found much success in Europe. Their single
"Spirit Of The Hawk" was the most successful, finding particular popularity in Germany.
In 2003, a greatest hits album was released entitled The Best Of The West, also known as Cotton Eyed Joe
in some regions.

REDNEX -- The Best of the West
1 Cotton Eye Joe 2002 (3:33)
2 Spirit Of The Hawk (F.A.F. Radio Mix) (4:01)
3 Old Pop In An Oak (3:31)
4 Wish You Were Here (3:55)
5 Are You Strong Enough? (3:42)
6 The Way I Mate (3:37)
7 The Song Of Silence (3:39)
8 Love Me Or Leave Me (4:04)
9 The Devil Went Down To Georgia (3:35)
10 Ride The Hurricane's Eye (3:18)
11 Hold Me For A While (4:44)
12 The Chase (3:10)
13 Cotton Eye Joe (Original Version) (3:12)
14 Rolling Home (4:41)
15 Wild And Free (3:38)

Love Me Or Leave Me / Ride The Hurricane's Eye


[ 本帖最后由 cecil99999999 于 2007-7-9 16:14 编辑 ]
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