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发表于 2006-3-20 20:39:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Darren Hayes -California
已经成为历史名词的Savage Garden时隔四年推出新歌,婚礼三部曲的完结篇终于完成。过去名列婚礼歌曲最受欢迎的Savage Garden不但要在十一月推出让歌迷引颈期待的首张精选,即使主唱戴伦海斯〈Darren Hayes〉和丹尼尔〈Daniel Jones〉分道扬镳,Darren Hayes创作新歌“So Beautiful”后,仍旧坚持以“Savage Garden”之名纪念精选推出;在澳洲“婚礼工作网”〈wedding network〉上,Savage Garden的两首歌曲“真实地、疯狂地、深刻地〈Truly Madly Deeply〉”、“注定爱你〈I Knew I Loved You〉”分别名列最受欢迎的婚礼歌曲第三与第五名,而Darren Hayes演唱的新歌完全走Savage Garden时代优美动人的情歌风格,歌曲在七月葡萄亚里斯本全球新力博德曼集团的高阶主管会议演唱时,当场让许多女性主管感动飙泪,而澳洲媒体更盛赞这是Darren Hayes史上最动人的情歌,这首歌等于是Savage Garden婚礼三部曲的完结篇。此张精选同时收录了Darren Hayes的两首新歌"So Beautiful" and "California" 。
I got a cottage with a sea view I got a regular summer tan I’ve been working up the courage to call you all year, ohhh There is nothing I can say There are no good words left anyway Besides people are cruel and the world still moves without you, ohhh Welcome to my Californian home You don't have to call me you can leave when you want There's a picture by my bed There's a light in your eyes I don't know Well I don't know Why you still feel alone And we were dying from the get go I was dreaming but you never believed I was trying to fit myself in the spaces between, ohhh And you were kind and sometimes cruel You said all the world’s love couldn’t satisfy you And nothing could have hurt me as much as the truth Ohhh darling Welcome to my Californian home You don't have to call me you can leave when you want There's a picture by my bed There's a light in your eyes I don't know Tell me cause I want to find out Do you still feel alone? Love is illusive when you search for it Don't I know Happiness sometimes it just creeps in Don't I know I'm going crazy I've been wondering Do you still feel alone? I need to find Some kind of peace of mind I need to find I got a cottage with a sea view I got a regular summer tan I know that I deserve more But I still want you Welcome to my Californian home You don't have to call me you can leave when you want There's a picture by my bed There's a light in your eyes I don't know Tell me ‘cause I want to find out Do you still feel? Welcome to my California (I need to find) Even though I'm not good for you (Some kind of peace of mind) There's a part of me still waiting for you (I need to find) Welcome to my happy ending (I need to find) Even though it’s fun contending (Some kind of peace of mind) I know I know you can't look back, you can never go back Welcome to my Californian home You can never go back Welcome to my Californian home I know You can never go back Welcome to my Californian home I know You can never go back I know I need to find, do you still feel? Welcome to my Californian home (I need to find) Even though I'm no good for you (Some kind of peace of mind) Deep inside there's a piece of me, there's a piece of me Still waiting for you to come home Welcome to my Californian home (I need to find) I know you can never look back, you can never look back again (Some kind of peace of mind) But tell me ‘cause I want to find out Do you still feel alone? Oh nooo Do you still feel alone? Oh nooo
2.Ronan Hardiman-run away
在2000年的10月哈德曼发行了他的第二张个人专辑 「Anthem」,刚推出即在美国告示牌新世纪音乐榜拿下第七名,并持续热卖。「Anthem」在2001年3月於欧洲和世界其它地方发行。 这张专辑传奇性的引起製作人克理斯?尼尔的注意(他的履歷读来像是一连串流行及摇滚音乐的成功, 举例来说,克理斯负责製作Celine Dion, Rod Stewart, Mike and Mechanices的热门音乐)。出於他对罗南的 「Anthem」专辑的印象深刻,他寻求罗南一起為一位克理斯旗下的年轻的古典音乐艺人Hayley Westenra谱写与录製音乐。Hayley Westenra的首张专辑被取名為「Pure」,专辑中包含了一个版本的「Heaven」。 在2003年10月发行的「Pure」成為英国榜史上销售最快速的古典专辑,打破了Charlotte Church以前保持的记录。 在她的出生地纽西兰和澳洲已经成為一张热门专辑,美国準备好在2004年稍早时发行「Pure」。
3.Sarah Connor-Living To Love You
21世纪的开端,芳龄23岁的德国女生Sarah Connor,以甜美、带劲的节奏蓝调歌唱实力开始征服欧洲乐坛,祖父的纽澳良血缘让她在幼年时期即深受蓝调灵魂乐的薰陶,14岁时开始在教堂唱诗班担任演唱,并在学校演唱音乐剧,15、16岁便以试唱带向各大音乐厂牌投石问路。2001年春季,Sarah Connor以挑动情欲的处女单曲“Let’s Get Back To The Bed Boy”,绽放狂野性格,歌曲强势占领德国排行榜亚军,并挥军直入欧陆各国排行榜TOP 10,抢攻欧洲流行单曲榜TOP 15;首张大碟《Green Eyed Soul》更上层楼,不但直袭德国专辑榜亚军,也攻克荷兰、波兰、芬兰、葡萄牙、希腊等国排行TOP 10。2002年3月,Sarah Connor获颁德国乐坛最高荣耀的Echo音乐奖最佳流行摇滚女歌手大奖,稍后更勇夺Goldene Europe音乐奖最成功女歌手奖。美国嘻哈大将Wyclef Jean耳闻Sarah歌唱魅力,特地跨刀制作谱写并合唱一曲“One Nite Stand(Of Wolves And Sheep)”,Sarah Connor已然跻身全球节奏蓝调歌后之林。  
4.Stop Crying Your Heart Out-Oasis
Hold upHold onDon't be scaredYou'll never change what's been and goneMay your smile (may your smile)Shine on (shine on)Don't be scared (don't be scared)Your destiny may keep you warmCos all of the starsAre fading awayJust try not to worryYou'll see them some dayTake what you needAnd be on your wayAnd stop crying your heart outGet up (get up)Come on (come on)Why're you scared? (I'm not scared)You'll never changeWhat's been and goneCos all of the starsAre fading awayJust try not to worryYou'll see them some dayTake what you needAnd be on your wayAnd stop crying your heart outCos all of the starsAre fading awayJust try not to worryYou'll see them some dayTake what you needAnd be on your wayAnd stop crying your heart outWe're all of us starsWe're fading awayJust try not to worryYou'll see us some dayJust take what you needAnd be on your wayAnd stop crying your heart outStop crying your heart outStop crying your heart out
5.Sheryl Crow-My Favourite Mistake
SherylCrow是美国创作女歌手,出生于1962年,六岁开始学习钢琴,父母都曾参与乐队演出。所以,SHERYL CROW高中后不久就开始了R&B的演出。难得一见的摇滚女歌手,善于弹奏吉他和钢琴,音乐极具渗透力,荣获全美流行、摇滚女艺术家大奖和第43届葛莱美最佳摇滚女歌手等,备受葛莱美青睐。曾为MichaelJackson、DonHenley、GeorgeHarrison等巨星担任合音的摇滚才女SherylCrow,1994年走向幕前的首张专辑《TuesdayNightMusicClub(星期二夜晚俱乐部)》让她一鸣惊人,不仅轻松写意单曲“AllIWannaDo”冲上Billboard流行单曲榜亚军,更在第37届格莱美奖中勇夺最佳新进艺人、最佳流行女歌手、年度唱片三项大奖!从1996年《SherylCrow》同名专辑到1998年的《TheGlobalSessions(环球乐章)》,SherylCrow持续探索她的热情,源源不绝的展现她丰富而有质感的音乐创作,让她独具个人特色的嗓音更加廓鲜明;不但引起众多后辈女歌手起而效尤,而迄今累积8座格莱美奖的桂冠加冕,更证明当代最佳女性摇滚代言人的封号,SherylCrow当之无愧,十分喜爱她歌曲中有着深刻的内涵,融合了蓝调,乡村,FUNK与爵士,充满了强烈表情的歌曲诠释方式,风格独特。
6.Mermaids(Child Of The Blue)-Xandria
Xandria成立于2000年,主唱Lisa Schaphaus、吉他手/键盘手Marco Heubaum、吉他手Philip Restemeier、鼓手Gerit Lamm – Schlagzeug,2003年4月发表自行制作的首张专辑《Kill The Sun》,受到关注,之后加盟德国金属名厂Drakkar,于2004年5月发表以探讨情欲为主的第二张专辑《Ravenheart》。自由吉他手/鼓手 Marco 创立至今两年多一点的时间,Xandria 正以他们的首张大碟"kill thesun",行进于对公众目光的征服之路。这张由dirk riegrer创制的大碟,值得你付出的绝不仅是匆匆一瞥。若想在其中搜寻或绚丽或夸张的音效,完全是徒劳的。毕竟xandria并不是在拼命地急于给自己的音乐定性,而是在简练紧凑的制作同时,将计划表做了巧妙多样的安排,以便给予主唱最多的表意的空间。乐队的歌者,lisa,通过这张专集表明了,对于那些针对在歌特金属表演中的女性的另人迷惑的标准,她不试图去遵守,她的每一个声音都发自于乐音与自己感情的共鸣中。她那多变而完美的吟唱,即便称不上幽雅,但她与我们分享的是她内心真实的倾诉。时而是精灵般的轻灵美丽,时而又充斥暴躁与尖锐 ,但始终是注满激情的。
7.Sheryl Crow-My Favourite Mistake
Sheryl Crow是上个世纪90年代以来最受欢迎的摇滚乐女歌手之一,她与众不同的音乐风格不仅基于美国传统摇滚乐,而且还在此基础上大胆融合其他风格,形成了自己特有的一种颇具另类色彩但是非常流行,非常受欢迎的音乐风格。而Sheryl Crow音乐中的旋律以及她在创作中的表现手**也都在美国流行和摇滚音乐界独树一帜。Sheryl Crow的音乐赢得了歌迷群体在十年来的稳定而不间断的支持,她不仅只是商业上的成功歌星,而且她还是格莱美奖的常客,同时她的唱片拥有着数以千万的销量,这也奠定了她在整个90年代女性流行和摇滚音乐中的统治性地位,而她在女性摇滚音乐中的这种地位即便是在进入了新世纪,Sheryl Crow的年龄渐渐增大之后依然没有丝毫的褪色。
8.lake of tears(泪湖)乐队-headstones
LAKE OF TEARS是一支徘徊在doomy边缘的乐队,很多人因为它的音乐美妙凄凉而称之为Gothic Metal,实际上乐队也是由类似PARADISE LOST一般的Death Doom Metal,到与MOONSPELL相近的Gothic Metal,到融入许多PINK FLOYD式的迷幻元素,在这其中又加入了不少Stoner颗粒般的质感,最终乐队用舞曲般的步调离开了Metal这个舞台。以这样的过程诠释乐队的变化,总体来说忧郁的氛围是乐队力求追逐的目标,无论是采用哪一种方式,始终围绕这个宗旨。headstones出自第二张专辑同名专辑,1995年“Headstones” 缓慢忧伤,又有metal特有的华丽。才华横溢的Daniel包揽了所有歌曲的词曲。这是一张相当出色的作品。更加heavy metal的曲风,gothic特有的忧伤氛围笼罩着身边的一切。Past the forest of the fields of fireBeyond the waters of shimmering tearsBy a fire they standAnd they whisper my nameNow I seek upon the nightSmall fragments of moonlightUp the hill the headstones lieUp the hill the reapers watching eyeUp the hill the headstones lieHeadstones...In the circle of stones dressed in ivyBy the garden of the serene flowersAnd the spirits of thereWhispering my namehttp://"https://sucai.heima.com/sucai/news/flash/79.swf9.Ronan Hardiman-heaven
这是一曲"抒情"音乐,清逸甜美的女声加以电子音效,尤如展现大自然的意境中再加上几笔神奇的点缀,风清,云更柔,天高,海更蓝,饱蘸着天籁和七彩斑谰的意境……一种声音,一种恬淡而永恒的共鸣声,在晶莹剔透的音符里起起伏伏."轻盈唯美'是ronan hardiman的一贯曲风.他的作品极富民族色彩,有着浓厚的爱尔兰气息,都带有着时间色彩和四季的香味.有人说,带着ronan hardiman四季的芳香一起飘逸真的恰如其分!
[]1.Darren Hayes -California[url=]
播放[/url][url=]2.Ronan Hardiman-run away
播放[/url]3.Sarah Connor-Living To Love You[url=]
播放[/url][url=]4.Oasis-Stop Crying Your Heart Out
播放[/url]5.Sheryl Crow-My Favourite Mistake[url=]
播放[/url][url=]6.Xandria-Mermaids(Child Of The Blue)
播放[/url]7.Sheryl Crow-My Favourite Mistake[url=]
播放[/url][url=]8.lake of tears-headstones
播放[/url][url=]9.Ronan Hardiman-heaven
[/]https://sucai.heima.com/sucai/news/flash/72.swf[ 本帖最后由 风云 于 2006-4-5 20:21 编辑 ]
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