Chinmaya Dunster - Discography (1996-2011) FLAC
从第一张专辑《FENG SHUI》到2001年的《Yoga On Sacred Ground》(神圣土地上的瑜珈),Chinmaya均从印度与孟加拉的当地原生生活出发,将采集的民间音乐元素融会其中,以NEW AGE的音乐手法重新编配,带出印孟大地的生活风情。因为Chinmaya师从世界SAROD大师Amjad Ali Khan多年,一直醉心于SAROD琴的演奏和表演,所以在他的音乐中SAROD是主要的表现载体,同时出现的还有以竹笛、塔不拉、吉他,人声,营造出平静祥和、博大、神秘的空间,让人如同进入佛教的冥想境界,身心轻盈,随乐起飞。
Chinmaya Dunster 1954出生于英国东南部的KENT州,他的父亲是一个出色的艺术家而且多才多艺,将他们的家营造成一个恍若16世纪的田园世界-----美丽的苹果园,农庄,森林和飞涧流水。 Chinmaya就是在这样优美的环境里慢慢长大。
在先后主修过艺术课程和做过农场工人之后,Chinmaya开始对水彩画和西班牙六弦琴产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且开始了他的从阿富汗到印度的诗意般的流浪旅行。在游历了喜玛拉雅,伊斯兰卡,泰国和日本等地之后,1979年的一次NEW DELHI的通宵音乐会改变了Chinmaya的一生。
那个晚上,他听见了一种他从未听过的绝妙的乐音,这是来自古代印度北部的一种拨弦乐器SAROD,由19根弦做成的类似班卓琴一样的印度传统乐器。而演奏家正是世界著名的SAROD音乐家Amjad Ali Khan。三年之后,Chinmaya辞掉了伦敦的艺术教授的工作前往印度终于成为了Amjad Ali Khan的门徒,学习SAROD的演奏。
Chinmaya决定用接下来的13年的时间来学习印度的传统音乐,同时他在伦敦结识了一支融合了东西方音乐的乐队Terra Incognita。于是Chinmaya开始和他们合作,尝试推出极富印度风情的音乐作品。从1990年开始,Chinmaya 在Nightingale唱片公司和NEW EARTH唱片公司陆续推出了唱片,发表了融会了印度音乐和拉格音乐的唱片,从而享誉世界,成为了重要的心灵音乐家。
Artist: Chinmaya Dunster
Title Of Album: Discography
Label: Nightingale Records, New Earth Records
Country: USA, Germany
Release date: 1996-2011
Genre: New Age, Meditative
Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue, image+.cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Total Size: 4,37 GB
:: Tracklist ::
(1996) Chinmaya Dunster - Lands of the Dawn
01. Welcome to Innocence (6:42)
02. Castles in the Clouds (9:42)
03. 1001 Nights (10:46)
04. Isles of the Blessed (for Max) (8:29)
05. Intimacy (7:22)
06. Les Jardins de la Mousson (5:11)
(1996) Chinmaya Dunster - Feng Shui Part 1
01. The Mountain (6:33)
02. The Thunder/The Forest (6:11)
03. The Wind (6:03)
04. The Fire (5:54)
05. The Earth (6:37)
06. The Ocean (6:09)
07. The Heaven (5:48)
08. The Lake (6:15)
(1998) Chinmaya Dunster - Feng Shui Part 2
01. Meditation - Inner Knowlegde (7:36)
02. Health - Family (7:14)
03. Wealth - Blessings (7:25)
04. Fame - Status (7:46)
05. Relationships (7:39)
06. Creativity - Children (7:24)
07. Helpful People (7:36)
08. Career - The Journey (7:23)
(1998) Chinmaya Dunster & Vidroha Jamie - Celtic Ragas
01. Chance Meeting (5:02)
02. The Mist of Ruantallain (5:49)
03. At the Edge of the Known World (5:05)
04. Mere Hamsafar (4:50)
05. Tara (4:34)
06. The Goddess (4:54)
07. Wandering Way (4:24)
08. A Gypsy Tale (4:08)
09. Dorset (4:32)
(2000) Chinmaya Dunster - Feng Shui - The Eightfold Path
01. Right Mindfulness (7:40)
02. Right Views (5:43)
03. Right Livelihood (5:48)
04. Right Samadhi (5:08)
05. Right Morality (5:37)
06. Right Effort (4:14)
07. Right Speech (6:09)
08. Right Intention (5:05)
(2001) Chinmaya Dunster - Yoga - On Sacred Ground
01. Right Mindfulness (7:40)
02. Right Views (5:43)
03. Right Livelihood (5:48)
04. Right Samadhi (5:08)
05. Right Morality (5:37)
06. Right Effort (4:14)
07. Right Speech (6:09)
08. Right Intention (5:05)
(2002) Chinmaya Dunster - Sacred Temples of India
01. Dhopabara (5:59)
02. Mount Kailash (8:11)
03. Gir Forest (6:33)
04. Chamba (7:29)
05. Hanuman in New Delhi (4:17)
06. Khajuraho (4:54)
07. Konark (5:00)
08. Chidambaram (5:28)
(2003) Chinmaya Dunster & The Celtic Ragas Band - Karma Circles
01. The Circles Makers (5:13)
02. Wedding in Kotree (5:12)
03. Chance Finding (5:10)
04. The Hollow Hills (5:04)
05. Kaunsi Kannada (5:50)
06. Bhattiyali (4:56)
07. A Meeting Place of Friends (5:49)
08. Manipuri Megh (7:10)
(2004) Chinmaya Dunster & The Celtic Ragas Band - Fragrance of the East - Live in India
01. Chance Finding (6:12)
02. Sarvane Rute Aye (5:20)
03. Moonsong (7:37)
04. Bhattiyali (6:55)
05. Manipuri Megh (4:42)
06. Circlemakers (4:13)
07. Mausam Ayenge (6:46)
08. Changes (4:26)
09. Rag Shivranjani (6:14)
(2005) Chinmaya Dunster & Niladri Kumar - Yoga Lounge
01. Bhairavi (7:22)
02. Jhinjhoti (6:22)
03. Coming Home (6:03)
04. Yogabeat (7:01)
05. Village Songs (11:36)
06. Arunavachana (Promise of the Dawn) (6:33)
07. Innergy (6:49)
08. Jhinjhoti Revisited (5:59)
(2007) Chinmaya Dunster - Buddha Moon
01. New Moon (14:46)
02. Waxing Moon (16:11)
03. Full Moon (13:47)
04. Waning Moon (14:10)
(2009) Chinmaya Dunster - Land of the Buddhas
01. Rag Shivranjani (with The Celtic Ragas Band) (6:16)
02. Right Samadhi (5:11)
03. Gir Forest (6:35)
04. Bhairavi (with Niladri Kumar) (7:24)
05. Natrani (Queen of Dance) (10:25)
06. Full Moon (13:50)
07. Chance Finding (with The Celtic Ragas Band) (6:11)
(2010) Chinmaya Dunster - Ragas Relax
01. Goddess Evocation (6:40)
02. Relaxing on the mountain (7:24)
03. The Union of Sun and Moon (7:00)
04. Listening to the River (7:07)
05. Krisna's peacocks (7:08)
06. Tranquil Sunset (6:37)
07. Sunrise in Deerpark (5:51)
08. Shiva's meditation (5:09)
09. Meeting of two Oceans (6:14)
(2011) Chinmaya Dunster - Gaia’s Garden
01. Cloud Forest Sanctuary (5:02)
02. Springing From the Mountains (4:30)
03. A Smiling Sun (5:50)
04. Ocean Emotions (8:42)
05. Rainstorm (5:08)
06. Blessing From the Ancient Trees (5:18)
07. Savanna Scene (6:18)
08. Blue Sky Meditation (8:57)
09. Desert Winds (5:57)
10. The Disappearred (4:08)

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