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(沙发音乐)【国庆福利补档】佛之吧全集Buddha-Bar Collection I-XV (2000-2013) FLAC 百度盘









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VA - Buddha-Bar Collection I-XV (2000-2013) FLAC




Buddha Bar是George V Eatertainment旗下坐落在法国巴黎左岸香榭丽舍大道上的一家以餐饮与夜店文化相结合的名店,现已在华盛顿、伦敦、米兰、贝鲁特、开罗、迪拜、雅加达、基辅、蒙特卡洛、布拉格、圣保罗、墨西哥设有分店,并且即将入驻中国上海!  Buddha Bar原本是一间充满东方神秘色彩的lounge Bar,而店里最大的特色就是一尊巨大的佛像。从1996年营业至今,吸引许多时尚、艺术与艺文人士的青睐,店内播放的音乐也以弛放心灵、充满东方漫游情境音乐为主.

Buddha Bar不仅是家餐厅,更是时下最流行的Lounge、Chillout等沙发音乐的风向标,驻场DJ由最初的 Claude Challe 开创,之后由Ravin接棒并一直混音到现在,每年都会出一张双CD的专辑(一般一张是Chillout倾向的Dinner Time,而另一张是House感的Party Time),现在Buddha Bar已经陪伴着喜欢它的乐迷走过了12个年头,其周边产物包括Siddharta系列、SPA专用的buddhattitude系列,以及从前几年才开始的Dance风格的Little Buddha系列,张张经典,不容错过。   这一系列Buddha Bar音乐选集,其出发点也就是要宣扬一下以玩乐救世的理念,由法国知名dj Claude Challe担任选曲人,整张CD散发出浓浓的东方味以及神圣气氛。凡是跟异民族扯得上边的音乐,通通被收到里面,加上现代电子音乐的混音改造, 而成为一首首引领风潮有形有款的驰放音乐了。CD 一推出,就造成热卖,甚至是一辑接著一辑拼命出,每辑都高倨 Virgin Megastore排行榜的销售十大之上。可见东方热或者具有民族神秘感的事务对於西方人而言是充满无可抗拒的吸引力的 !   印度的Ragga , 佛教的梵唱 , 日本的三弦 , 中国传统国乐 , 还有非洲的敲击乐……凡是跟异民族扯得上边的音乐,通通被收到里面,加上现代电子音乐的混音改造,而成为一首首引领风潮有形有款的驰放音乐了。2000年,法国电子音乐大厂Wagram与Buddha Bar合作,由DJ Claude Chall担纲选曲制作了电子舞曲杂锦双唱片,分为Dinner Disc(进餐音乐)和Patty Disc(派对音乐),迎合了当时席卷欧陆的Chill-out/Lounge热潮,成为人人争购的热门唱片.整个系列 Buddha Bar 音乐选集,其出发点也就是要宣扬一下以玩乐救世的理念,整套CD 散发出浓浓的东方味以及神圣气氛,音乐风格很广泛,几乎覆盖了地球上的大部分地区。   Buddha Bar 并不像著名的Enigma那样把采风回来的音乐改得面目全非(虽然挺好听),而是在加上了现代的节奏以后保存大部分的原汁原味,甚至在人声的演唱上也极力靠近采风地。我们可以在其中听到俄语、法语、日语、印度语……真的可以说是一张国际性的NEWAGE专辑,听过印度语的迪吧音乐吗?这里就有!

Buddha Bar系列
Buddha Bar I
此为George V厂牌底下最经典的系列作品,历史最悠久,是Buddha Bar的核心思想。  原本只是餐馆内部希望客人有个好心情供给用餐与夜生活时享受的背景音乐,充满了中东风情以及World Music基调,后由George V一经推出无心插柳地成为了世界顶级沙发音乐的领头羊。   自第一张Buddha Bar于1999年问世到今天,12年里发行了12张以及一张精选和一本名为Buddha Bar Book的单CD加介绍餐馆理念小册子的专辑。熟悉的佛陀大像再次的映入眼帘!就如同高档法国餐厅的高品质高消费水准一般,已经发行到第7辑的Buddha Bar,法国电音弛放名厂Wagram即将它定位在金字塔尖的高消费能力族群专属的顶级商品,第7辑由Ravin和David Visan两位DJ共同协力谱出黄金比例的绝美选辑,先是发现著重器乐演出的Bliss让人欣喜,接著非洲极为知名声线极佳的SalifKeita,和吐瓦共同国挑战人声极限的奇女子Sainkho Namtchylak先後演出增添风采,而在各个音乐领域中的佼佼者全都为了《Buddha Bar 》齐聚一堂,听过了Buddha Bar系列之後,您会发现它弛放乐界的王者之道.

Artist: VA
Title Of Album: Buddha-Bar Collection I-XV
Label: George V Records/Wagram Music
Country: France
Release date: 2000-2013
Genre: Chillout, Lounge, Ethnic
Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Total Size: 16,19 GB

:: Tracklist ::

Buddha-Bar Vol.1
1.Craig Armstrong - Weather storm
2.Sina Vodjani - Straight to the heart
3.Deepak Ram - Kitu
4.Tulku - Anni Rose
5.Zeava Ben - What will be
6.Zohar - The merciful one
7.Pink Martin - La Soledad
8.Aria - Un bel Di
9.Zen Men - Une Table a trois
10.10 Zen Men - El Fuego
11.Anima Sound System - Shalom
12.Jai Uttal - Guru Bramha
Buddha-Bar Vol.2
1.Trumpet Thing - Need you right now (Ambient Mix)
2.Omar Faruk Tekbilek - I love you
3.Consuelo Luz - Los Biblicos (The Nightingales)
4.Karunesh - Alibaba
5.Deepak Chopra f Demi Moore - Desire
6.Govinda - In through Time
7.Oliver Shanti & Friends - Onion Mweng Rainbird
8.Atman - Spirit
9.Deadbeats - Funky for you
10.De-Phazz f Pat Appleton - Mambo Craze
11.Nino - Amor Amor
12.Sa Trincha - Smell of Paradise
13.Intro - Farruca
14.Funky Lowlives - Nota Bossa
Buddha-Bar Vol.3
CD 1
1.Nicos - Secret Love
2.John Kaizan Neptune - Golden Lotus
3.Yorgos Kazantzis - Sorocos
4.Karunesh - Solitude
5.Platon Andritsakis - Via Pajuta III
6.Tulku - Spiral Dance
7.Manuel Franjo - Solo Por Tu Amor
8.Gustavo Montesano & Royal Philarmonic Orchestra - Tango
9.Adrian Enescu - Invisible Movies Part I
10.Deepak Ram - A Night In Lenasia
11.Amr Diab - Tamally Maak
12.Frederik Rousseau - Danya
13.Eden - Mavis
14.Oliver Shanti & Friends - Sacral Nirvana
15.Jesse Cook - On Walks The Night

CD 2
1.Gotan Project - Triptico
2.Zeb - Sufism
3.Osman Ismen - Kale
4.Freeman - My Dear Masters
5.Ekova - Starlight In Daden (Aurora Mix)
6.Talvin Singh - Veena
7.Ravi Prasad - Indian Gypsy
8.Hasan Cihat Orter - Flirting Shadows (Sehnaz Longa)
9.Anna Vissi - Den Me Agapas
10.Nacho Sotomayor - Don't Do Anything
11.Badmarsh & Shri - Sitar Ritual
12.Kodo - Strobe's Nana Fushi (Satori Mix)
13.Livin' In Da Ghetto feat. Moktar - Arabian Song (Da Ghet)
Buddha-Bar Vol.4
1.Frederic Rousseau - La fille de Pekin
2.Tibet Project - Tibet
3.Jade Or - Opium
4.Nitin Sawhney - Moonrise
5.Nash Didan - A Window Of My Dreams
6.Agricantus - Amatevi
7.Manuel Franjo - Tiempo
8.Guadalupe Pineda Con Los Tres Ases - Historia Del Un Am
9.Arman Chakmakian - Distant lands
10.Nickodemus - Desert Dancer
11.Flam - Monsoon
12.Tlku - Rahda Ramana
13.Natassa Theodiridou - Tora To Thimithikes
14.Gotan Project - Una Musica Brutal

1.Outisized - Karma
2.Time Passing - Party People
3.Panjabi Mc - Mundian To Back Ke
4.Ishtar - Comme Toi
5.Chris Sheeris - Dancing with the Muse
6.David Visan et Carlos Campos - Irish Coffee
7.Liorca - the Novel Sound
8.Loving Paris - Loco
9.Roland Louis - Percussion Dreams
10.Dan Lacksman's Alliance - Louxor in Vegas
11.Angie Samiou - Agoraki Mou
12.Arm Diah - Aktar Wahed
13.Celia Cruz - Yo Vivire
14.Usual Masters - Nocturne in Paris
Buddha-Bar Vol.5
01. Jade Or feat Bielka Nemirovski 'Nie Kantshaietsa'
02. Mikis Theodorakis 'I've Kept A Hold Of My Life'
03. Refractory feat JC Sindress & Youn Sun Nah 'Road'
04. Trumpet Thing 'Far Away'
05. Mystic Rhythms Band 'Gesso's Guitar Song'
06. Angelique Kidjo 'Iemanja'
07. Elie Karam 'Baadima'
08. David Visan & Mickael Winter feat Ani Choying Drolma 'Tamtra Tibet'
09. Mariza 'Loucura'
10. Maria Papadopoulou 'Maskaremeni'
11. David Visan & Carlos Campos 'Indra Story'
12. Laurent Dury 'Silk Road'
13. Alihan Samedov 'Sen Gelmez Oldun'
14. Frйdйrick Rousseau 'Princess W Cheng'
15. Operatica 'Mon Amour'

01. Emma Shapplin 'La Notte Etterna'
02. dZihan & Kamien 'Just You & I'
03. Sarma 'Muel'
04. DJ Disse 'Egyptian Disco (Buddha Bar Edit)'
05. Gipsyland 'Salaam (Duet With Anoushka)'
06. Mondo Candido 'Meglio Stasera'
07. Latour 'Blue'
08. Despina Vandi 'Gia'
09. Giampiero Ponte feat Moran 'Sphynx (Club Mix)'
10. Julie 'Blinded'
11. David Visan 'Czardas'
12. Rubin Steiner 'Wunderlande'
13. Ritchie Lawrence 'Laurence d'Arabie (Ambient Mix)'
Buddha-Bar Vol.6
01 - B-Tribe - Angelic Voices [Rebirth Remix]
02 - 1 Giant Leap - The Way You Dream
03 - Dolphin Boy - Shake It Loose
04 - Daniel Masson - Sonargoan
05 - Deew - She Will Never Learn
06 - Eric Satie - Gnossienne N° 1 [Buddha Bar Remix]
07 - Cellar 55 - Por-Do-Sol
08 - Ryukyu Underground - Kanasando [Rebirth Remix]
09 - Ganga - Chair
10 - Dos Hombres - The Alkemyst
11 - Slow Train - Naturally
12 - Quicksound - Cold Winter
13 - Touch & Go - Atraight To... Number One [Dreamcatcher' s Remix]
14 - Cantoma - Essarai

01 - Baul Dimension - Bangla Soul
02 - Table vs. Ludovico Einaudi - Memory
03 - Slow Train - Trail Of Dawn
04 - Loopless - Pink Blue Hotel
05 - Telepopmusic - Breathe [banzai Republic' s X-Hale Remix]
06 - Sarah Vaughan - Whatever Lola Wants [Gotan Project Remix]
07 - Bliss - Manvantara
08 - Baul Dimension - Baul Dimension
09 - Afterlife - Sunrise [DJ Thunda & k20 Allstars Mix
10 - PGM feat. Pilgrim Soul - Nameless
11 - Casa Flava - De Moma De [Paris & Sharp Remix
12 - Perfect Sense - Bumba [Stereo Sax Mix]
Buddha-Bar Vol.7
02.hong vietnam
03.light signs
04.an indian summer
05.take me inside (christophe goze mix)
06.aja maji (sacred rhythm version by joe claussell)
07.lovasok a szakadek fele
09.the moment
10.moussoulou (remixed by charles webster)
11.light my heart
12.aganju (john beltran remix)
13.magma mama
14.core nire (azoia remix)
15.distracted minds
16.happy dreamer

01.the song
02.ohm suaa (remixeed by martin morales)
03.spirit of drums (sumo afrobounce remix)
04.flute fantasy
05.mo ashibi (jason bentley remix)
06.perfume (remixed by campo)
07.joy on a stick
09.ritmo caliente
11.Drum'n Boogaloo
12.clockwork (shantel vs mahala rai banda remix)
13.mama guela (stuhr remix)
14.sous les soleil de bodega (bodega di moko)
Buddha-Bar Vol.8
CD 1
1. Sanja Ilic & Balkanika – Korana
2. Naomi – White
3. Alihan Samedov – Son Nefes (Deep Mix)
4. Panjabi Hit Squad featuring Manpreet Kaur – Hasdi Hasdi (Hit Squad Mix)
5. Antaeus – Palm of the Prophet
6. Out Of Phase – Desire (Tiger Mix 2006)
7. Yasmin Levy – Madre, Si Esto Hazina
8. Pompon Finkelstein – Lost In Reflection (La Forza Del Destino by G. Verdi)
9. Shubha Mudgal – The Awakening
10. Shpongle – Once Upon the Sea of Blissful Awareness (Esionjim Remix)
11. Sam Popat & Alexandre Scheffer – Golden Ring
12. Nomadix – Chura Liya
13. Elkin Marin – Wallanwala
14. Stefano Saletti & Piccola Banda Ikona – Tagama
15. Alhoeverah – Tan Cani

CD 2
1. Angel Tears – Mystic Desire
2. Vasilisa – Oblak / Cloud
3. Ensemble Ethnique – Asilah
4. DJ Bool presents Jerk House Connection – Mother Blues
5. Belladonna – Ebatule
6. Sanja Ilic & Balkanika – Balkan Vocals
7. Alberto Beto Una – Angels in the Desert (Original Profundo Mix)
8. Bongoloverz featuring Ursula Cuesta – La Esperanza (Hope & Faith)
9. Dan Marciano – Good Morning Paris (Dr Kucho ! Remix)
10. Kirpi – My Name Is Kirpi
11. Orient Expressions – Istanbul 1:26 a.m.
12. Biber – Turta
13. Sam Popat & Alexandre Scheffer – Dil Mera
14. Yves Larock – Nomadic Knights
15. Schiller – I Feel You
Buddha-Bar Vol.9
CD 1
1. Sospiro - Bardo State
2. Flight BA0247 - Mystic Diversions
3. Sleep - Amanaska
4. Yes Boss - Hess Is More
5. Koop Island Blues - Koop
6. Mongolia on the Line - Eccodek
7. Wood Street - Serafim Tsotsonis
8. Heart Beat of Life - Existence
9. Essence of Our Origins - The Lushlife Project
10. Astradeni - Michalis Koumbios
11. Iceflowers - Asheni, York
12. I Know Jayne - David Lowe's Dreamcatcher
13. Sunday - Nikonn
14. Fragment Two... the First Picture - Kenneth Bager, Julee Cruise
15. Bugu Jazz - Burhan Ocal

CD 2
1. Mrs Daisy May - Sunset Boulevard
2. Pila - Cosmic Orient
3. Djinns [Trentemoller Remix] - Djuma Soundsystem
4. As the Day Breaks [Montreal Remix] - Grant Lee Phillips, Carmen Rizzo
5. Daydream - Massivan
6. Africa [Quicksound/Alain Vinet Remix] - Cirque du Soleil
7. Roots 4 Acid - Rocco
8. Last Chance - Passion of Percussion
9. Machete - Novalima
10. Chambermaid Swing - Parov Stelar
11. Choban in Space - O.M.F.O.
12. Amor Que Se Baila - Otros Aires
13. Gypsy Majik [Gypsy Lounge Vocal Remix] - Naked Rhythm
14. Loneliness [Chill House Mix] - Blank & Jones
15. Indusufi - Bahramji, Mashti
16. Karma Busta Rhythm - DJ Ravin, Karma Sound Collective
Buddha-Bar Vol.10
CD 1
1. Nitin Sawnhey (feat The London Symphony Orchestra) - Songbird 1:21
2. Thierry David - Song Of Freedom 5:44
3. Jaime Torres - El Humahuaqueno 2:53
4. Temple Of Sound (feat Natacha Atlas) - City Of God 3:57
5. Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra (feat Sophie Solomon) - Love Theme From Ben Hur (Bombay Dub Orchestra Mix) 4:59
6. Samo Zaen - Tonight 4:04
7. Gaudi + Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Bethe Bethe Kese Kese 5:26
8. Cantoma - Maja 4:16
9. Van Daler & Low Pressure (feat Natasja Saad) - Real Love 4:33
10. Ozgur Sakar aka Misda Oz VS Mercan Dede - Ab-i Beka 5:29
11. Waldeck - Get Up... Carmen 3:55
12. Nikko Patrelakis - Arco Iris 5:11
13. Ralph Myerz (feat Pee Wee) - My Darling 3:23
14. Bebo Best & Super Lounge Orchestra - Life Is On The Sea 3:20
15. The Real Tuesday Weld - Kix 2:57
16. Pochill - Violet Theme 4:37
17. Nicolaj Grandjean - Heroes & Saints 4:41

CD 2
1. DJ A (feat Sonia) - Anazitisi (Quest) 4:51
2. Lulu Rouge - Bless You 4:51
3. Azam Ali - Endless Reverie (Bentley & Smitty Mix) 5:38
4. Markus Enochson (with Masaya) - For You To See (Tiger Stripes Vocal Remix) 5:26
5. Kaya Project - Salaam (Remix For Irina Mihkhailova) 6:06
6. Damian Draghici & Emanuele Arnone - Let Love Go 4:42
7. Buscemi - Sahib Balkan 4:14
8. Lanoiraude - Khen Hook 4:32
9. Pier Bucci - Hay Consuelo (Samim Remix) 3:59
10. Shantel - Immigrant Child 3:52
11. Giorgio Giordano - Amazzonia 3:45
12. Jan Driver - Kardamoon 6:44
13. Shaman's Dream - Rakandao (Remix) 6:41
14. DJ Disse - Break On Through 5:57
15. Jerry Dimmer - Flavia 5:18
Buddha-Bar Vol.11
CD 1
01.Niyaz - Iman
02.The Bombay Dub Orchestra - Journey
03.Riccardo Eberspacher - Setira
04.Ayoe Angelica - Dr Jekyll
05.Christos Stylianou feat. Maria Latsinou - Smell of Roses (V-Sa
06.Carlos Campos & Ravin - Kiyamah
07.Nitin Sawhney feat. Ojos de Brujo - Shadowland
08.Mathieu & Florzinho - Maha-Amba
09.Astyplaz - Zaira
10.Sarma - Falling Stars
11.DJ Disse & Batina Bager feat. Fred Astaire - Cheek to Cheek
12.Sunset Blvd - Loving You
13.Angel Tears - Purple Orchid
14.Woolfy vs. Projections - We Were There
15.Nina & Chris present Zeep - Agua
16.Serafim Tsotsonis - Small 2
17.Mlle Caro & Franck Garcia - Mon Ange

CD 2
01.Bahramji feat. Mashti - My Life
02.DJ A - Piano Dream
03.Rucyl - Love in War (Pete Gust KID Remix)
04.Asli Gьngцr & Ferhat Gцcer - Kalp Kalbe Karsi Hsyn Krdy Remix
05.Silky Sunday - Friend (Sandy Rivera Remix)
06.Glender - Echoes
07.Dave Seaman - Gobbledygook Remixes (Funkagenda Repulse Mix)
08.Riham - Erja Ya Habebi (DJ Srulik Einhorn Remix)
09.Loreena McKennitt - Marrakesh Night Market (V-Sag Remix)
10.DJ Danjer feat. Ash - My Danjer Sound
11.De-Tuned - Sitar
12.DJ Tatana - Spring Breeze (Martin Roth SummerStyle Remix)
13.Sumo feat. Rigas - Tribute
14.Taho - Shambhalla (WiNK Interpretation)
15.Orkidea and David West - God's Garden
Buddha-Bar Vol.12
01. Bliss - Overture
02. Goya Project - Lamento (Sunset Rework)
03. Ambray - Maya"
04. Shaheen Sheik - Here We Go (SoulAvenue Erhu Blues Mix)
05. Cantoma - Viusu
06. Caravan Palace - Ended With The Night
07. Lal Meri - Bandhan
08. Eric Fernandez - Deliciate
09. Bahramji & Mashti - Lovers
10. Ida Cor Feat. Shaggy - Under The Sun (Lenny Ibizarre Remix)
11. Sarma - Remember Me
12. Hp. Hoeger & M. Lackmaier - El Baile
13. Ryukyu Underground - Umaku Kamade
14. Midival Punditz - Tonic"
15. Blue Pilot's Project - Air Fiction
16. Goulasch Exotica & Lushlife Project - Keleti Szl
17. Almadrava - La Vie En Rose (Chill Out Mix)

01. DJ Ravin & Carlos Campos - I Must Confess
02. Massivan - 4 Generations
03. Inspiro & Ornella Vanoni - Perduto (Inspired Club Mix)
04. Sis N' Jones feat. Isac - Jami
05. Joey Negro & The Sunburst Band - Man Of War (Henrik Schwarz Remix)
06. Gonul Yazar - Ozledigim Sevgili
07. Chaim - Thrill You
08. Emilio Fernandez - Let It Go (Vocal Mix)
09. Jason Rivas - Carnivale (Club Mix)
10. Mandinga - Calling Trombonika
11. Roy Stroebel & Jerome Isma-Ae - Vila Nova
12. Tommy Vee, Ce Ce Rogers & Mauro Ferruci - Stay (Thomas Gold Vocal Mix)
13. Mario Piu' & Jurgen Cecconi - Ueno Park 5 A.M.
14. Matt Darey & Urban Astronauts feat. Kate Louise Smith - See The Sun (Aurosonic Remix)
15. Dexi - Adela
Buddha-Bar Vol.13
01 Ravin, Carlos Campos & David Visan - Homage To Mr V. 5:24
02 Hardage feat Jenny Bae - Lamento (Sunset Rework) 3:47
03 SoulAvenue feat Shaheen Sheik - One By One (Original Mix) 5:08
04 Triangle Sun feat Lena Kaufman - When You Go Forward 3:51
05 Ganga - Clouds 5:13
06 Hector Zazou, Barbara Eramo & Stefano Saletti - I Feel Love 5:26
07 Zeebee - Be My Sailor 4:10
08 Jojo Effect feat Lain Mackenzie - Mambo Tonight 3:50
09 Papercut - Sta Synnefa 4:21
10 Alfida - Allaya Lee (Original Mix) 3:52
11 Jazzamor - Time Is Running 4:07
12 Nacho Sotomayor - Timeless 5:31
13 Florzinho - A La Luna 4:34
14 Nada - Bamboo Dub 4:45
15 Fuat & Mashti - Sufisticated 3:49
16 The Spy From Cairo - Oud Funk 4:39
17 Dunkelbunt feat Boban I Marko Marcovic Orkestar - Cinnamon Girl (Radio Edit 3:41)

01 Laya Project Remix - Touare (The Ambergris Remix) 5:47
02 Consoul Trainin & Pink Noisy feat Anastasia Zannis - Tango To Evora 4:44
03 V-Sag feat Athina Routsi - Cancao Do Mar 5:45
04 Blank & Jones With Mystic Diversions - Quedate (Blank & Jones Moonshine Mix) 5:25
05 DJ Kaan Gokman - Level Up 5:44
06 Tony Seal - Danza Del Viento (George Vala & Audioprophecy Remix) 5:57
07 MHD - Arabica 5:28
08 Dimitra Galani - To S'agapo Borei (Dimitri Phaze Remix) 4:15
09 Sean Bay Vs. Medhi Mouelhi feat Arabella - Maktoub 3:55
10 Parov Stelar - The Phantom (1930 Swing Version) 3:48
11 Dr Kucho - La Isla (Original Mix) 5:24
12 Jay C & Felix Baumgartner - Souk (Original Mix) 4:03
13 Caramel Project - Ya Habibi 5:27
14 Lustral - Everytime (Original Mix) 4:53
15 Kaya Project - Sundown (EarthRise SoundSystem Remix) 6:32
Buddha-Bar Vol.14
CD 1
01. Thor - Dari Lullaby (4:21)
02. Ravin & Carlos Campos - Romance In Klotild Palace (4:37)
03. PrOmid Feat. Omid Mahramzadeh - Far Away (4:23)
04. Ambray - Brahma (3:48)
05. ShiftZ Feat. Hiba El Mansouri - Ahwak (3:05)
06. Kohib - Hear This (4:36)
07. SoulAvenue Feat. Shaheen - Different (SoulAvenue's Boddhisattva Blues) (4:39)
08. Cayetano - Fairytales (4:02)
09. Duke B - The Truth (3:57)
10. Eric Fernandez - Cada Dia (4:21)
11. Pravana - Uluwatu (Amanaska Remix) (4:49)
12. Laar Meets Zoohacker - Tilinko (5:37)
13. Paolo Rossini - Floating To The Sun (4:50)
14. Ahilea Feat. Bella Wagner - Devil's Eyes (4:15)
15. Ronny Morris - All About Love (Ganga Mix) (4:58)
16. Pierre Ravan & Haldo Feat Parthasarath Mukherjee & Harshada Jawale - Nostalgia (Emotional Lounge Mix) (6:58)
01. 22ROCKETS - Umma (9:35)
02. Rosa Lux - Min Klub Forst Feat. Alberte & Josefine Winding (3:47)
03. Nora En Pure - Saltwater (4:46)
04. Flo Mrzdk & Juliet Sikora - Shanti (5:15)
05. Nacho Sotomayor - Return To Mykonos (PrOmid Remix) (5:56)
06. Mikael Simpson - Inden Du Falder I Sovn (Lulu Rouge Remix) (4:51)
07. Sugar House Feat. Marieke Meijer - Desire (6:57)
08. Vinayak A - Losing Myself Feat. Dhrithi (Alexey Sonar Remix) (5:33)
09. Denis Dallan - Liberta' (5:26)
10. Consoul Trainin & Pink Noisy - Litanie Des Saints (3:23)
11. Rico Bernasconi Vs Sasha Dith - Bollywood (Saxo Club Mix) (4:48)
12. Alex Barattini - Let Me Kiss You (5:09)
13. Sezer Uysal Featuring Chinar - Baku (Dinka Remix) (6:38)
14. Gorins Feat. Shena - I Grieve For Spring (7:15)
Buddha-Bar Vol.15
CD 1
01. Bliss - Absence Of Fear
02. Dale Cornelius - Lament No. 2 (Thor Tibetan Bell Edit)
03. Dim Vach - In Love With A Mermaid
04. Shaheen Sheik - Lulaby For Samiyah
05. Bart&baker ft. Marcella Puppin - Stop Googling Me! (Rogan "Future Soul" Remix)
06. Balkan Fanatik ft. Prophet (Teruo Artistry) and Janga - Ha Te Tudnád.../ Love Gone Wrong
07. Yasmine Hamdan - Shouei
08. Uttara Kuru - Neyuki
09. Thor - Chamka
10. Zoe - Let Me Go
11. Stan Kolev - Anandi
12. Yin And Yang - Golden Sun (ft. Tiefblau)
13. Mihai Toma - Flutaka
14. Niyaz - Mazaar
15. George Chatzis - Thracian Vibe
16. Ganga - The Wind (ft. Helle Chirholm)
17. SoulAvenue - Padmasundari
CD 2
01. D'jean & Masonaise-Mashti Edit - Indian Man Of Trouble
02. Aki Bergen & Pezzner - Tarareando (ft. Terry Grant)
03. Riva Starr - Absence (Original Extended Mix)
04. Rocco - Saharien Child (Original Mix)
05. Andrew Richardson ft. Sarina Suno - The Violin Diva Hashim Theme (Original Mix)
06. Niconé & Sascha Braemer ft. Narra - Raoui (Original Version)
07. HP. Hoeger - Delhi Oneway
08. Bevan Godden & Arnaud D - Ntobenthle (Momba Mix)
09. Mariza - Meu Fado Meu (Nuno Cunha Souldillaz Remix)
10. Fabric Dayan & Peter Nalitch - My Guitar
11. Mikael Delta - The Last Storm Of Words (Dimi Phaze Remix)
12. Matvey Emerson - Luna
13. Stan Kolev & Dinka - Luminal (feat. Albena Veskova) [Vocal Mix]
14. Sean Bay & Arabella - Maktoub 2
15. DJ Kaan Gokman - Bellycious

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