希腊女钢琴家 Tiana 缇亚娜 - Butterfly in the Snow 雪中蝶 (2008) - FLAC
专辑名称: Butterfly in the Snow
专辑艺人: Tiana
音乐风格: Piano solo
音乐厂牌: Tower Records
磁盘格式: Veliota Tiana Andreas
发行时间: 2008
资源品质: FLAC
播放时间: 00' 52'' 08
《雪中蝶》是目前定居在洛杉矶的 希腊作曲家、钢琴演奏家缇亚娜
你可以听到她温柔地叙说她的梦想,她对爱的向往和憧憬 ... 你甚至可以窥见她纯净如天使般的灵魂 ~
I would first tell you that I am a gypsy at heart, invariably curious about other lands and languages, their culture, music, and food. Food is the essence of a culture, an edible metaphor, or culinary shorthand, for who you are. So is your music. For me, the two are intertwined. For me, music is necessary nourishment without which my life would make no sense. You will often find me in my kitchen, listening to a variety of songs from many disparate times and places, depending on my mood. I may be barefoot, hair pulled back, darting to and from the garden to pick fresh herbs, creating something slow, delicious, and subtle. My kitchen is a slow food zone where the chef has been known to break into song or dance mid whisk. The flowers on my table, like my life, are colorful, real, and arranged by me. They are never perfect. Perfection is rarely interesting. I could tell you that my Greek gypsy heart loves the wild weather, the wind and the rain; almost as much as I love the sunlit beaches of Italy and Greece....which is a considerable amount. I might tell you that I decided to make Italian the next language I would learn after I heard someone say: Agnello arrosto con barbabietole. I thought it was pure linguistic romance. Actually, it was roast lamb with beets , but, everything just sounds better in Italian, doesn t it? La lingua della musica ....the language that sounds like music. As for this soon to be released CD, like the butterfly released from its chrysalis, my music can take you on a journey of your own creation. Listen and you may travel to many a far flung place and time. You may visit Balaton, a European lake so vast it has been called the Hungarian Sea . Or you might whistle down a country lane in County Cork. You might eavesdrop on the secrets of the sea, whispered by the waves of the Aegean, or soar upward with the octaves of a lullaby, across the stars into your dreams. I hope my music can become if only for a little while, a background for the daily moments of your life. I will be curious to know if my music touches something in you, and when and where you like to listen. Finally, whether you listen alone, with friends, or with the one who is your singular focus, I hope my music takes you somewhere fresh and new.....
—— Tiana
01. Serrano 塞拉诺
02. Ela Konta Mou (Come Closer) 靠近
03. Balaton 巴拉顿湖
04. Nora 诺拉
05. Starsailor 水手之星
06. Sea Dreams 海之梦
07. In the Moment 在当下
08. Butterfly in the Snow 雪中蝶
09. Whisper of Spring 春之喁语
10. The Heart Outside 真实内里
11. Clocks 时钟
12. Blue Morpho 蓝蝶
13. You Color Everything 你绚烂整个世界
14. Elia's Lullaby 埃利亚摇篮曲
15. Twilight Wings 黄昏羽翼
而我本人却更喜欢第三首的“巴拉顿湖”,听着听着,仿佛自己也站在了静谧的湖畔 ~
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