四大音乐名剧之 Les Miserables 《悲惨世界》 源于法国大文豪雨果花了近十年才完成的巨著。这部音乐剧首演于伦敦。在此转发的是1987年百老汇的版本。

(四大音乐名剧之其他三部已有人日前在本版发过) Les Miserables (1987 Original Broadway Cast)
Label: Decca U.S. | Original Release Date: 1985 | MP3 320 Kbps Stereo - 221 MB | APE & CUE - 447 MB
[I]Genre: Musical[/I]
Disc: 1
1. Overture/Work Song
2. Valjean Arrested/Valjean Forgiven
3. What Have I Done?
4. At the End of the Day
5. I Dreamed a Dream
6. Lovely Ladies
7. Who Am I?
8. Come to Me (Fantine's Death)
9. Confrontation
10. Castle on a Cloud
11. Master of the House
12. The Thenardier Waltz of Treachery
13. Look Down
14. Stars
15. Red and Black
16. Do You Hear the People Sing
Disc: 2
1. In My Life
2. A Heart Full of Love
3. Plumet Attack
4. One Day More
5. Upon These Stones (Building the Barricade)
6. On My Own
7. Upon These Stones (At the Barricade)
8. Javert at the Barricade/Little People
9. The First Attack
10. A Little Fall of Rain
11. Drink with Me
12. Bring Him Home - Valjean
13. Dog Eats Dog
14. Javert's Suicide
15. Turning
16. Empty Chairs at Empty Tables - Marius
17. Wedding Chorale/Beggars at the Feast
18. Finale
试听为 On my ownhttps://rhodes.globat.com/~sandyandme.com/musicshare/cover/onmyown.mp3 下载为外盘空间(RS),320 mp3 及 ape&cue。 所有资料来源网上。歌曲仅供试听。 |