
Flash: https://vlog.17173.com/17173mp3player.swf?Filehost=ra5.vlog.17173.com&Flvid=1212805&Username=553163&Datetime=20100405
试听:01 - Oxya - Tau Feeling
01 :: Oxya - Tau Feeling (8:59)
02 :: MetzAnima - Maia Gaia (6:40)
03 :: Frequency Surreal & Erofex - They Still Hold Peace In Their Hearts (5:27)
04 :: Jash - Betun Brasilero (6:32)
05 :: Dark Fox - Stelar Madness (Majestad Valkyria Remix) (6:08)
06 :: Erofex - Mental Peace (7:17)
07 :: Kusillo - Digital Anima (4:00)
08 :: Virtuaz - Devil Eather (7:29)
09 :: Le Guide - Kranum (5:19)
10 :: Trebolactiko - Alpha State (6:30)
11 :: Etrea - Condor al Revez (4:33)
12 :: Paul Jove AKA Pituko - Sun Stars (10:49)
The Future Of Light is the first downtempo and chill out compilation from Neurotrance Records, a Bolivian netlabel. Compiled by Erofex, this release features relaxing and meditative music with light tribal beats, much of it with a distinct South American flavour. Conceived as a “journey of light,” the story wanders along a path where everything is possible and limits are left behind.
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