
Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time
Columbia Records
Bruce Springsteen - The Collection: 1973-84 (8CD Box Set, 2010)
有“工人皇帝”之称的Bruce Springsteen的一张伟大专辑,在滚石杂志选出的500张历代最强专辑中排名第18。虽然是一张摇滚专辑,但口琴、钢琴乃至萨克斯等乐器的演奏都相当精彩,且毫不突兀,听起来相当过瘾。
Born To Run
01. Thunder Road
02. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
03. Night
04. Backstreets
05. Born To Run
06. She's The One
07. Meeting Across The River
08. Jungleland
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 14. May 2011, 11:02
Bruce Springsteen / Born To Run
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-H60N Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:50.12 | 0 | 21761
2 | 4:50.12 | 3:11.50 | 21762 | 36136
3 | 8:01.62 | 3:01.58 | 36137 | 49769
4 | 11:03.45 | 6:30.40 | 49770 | 79059
5 | 17:34.10 | 4:30.22 | 79060 | 99331
6 | 22:04.32 | 4:30.60 | 99332 | 119641
7 | 26:35.17 | 3:19.05 | 119642 | 134571
8 | 29:54.22 | 9:33.08 | 134572 | 177554
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Bruce Springsteen Collection 1973 -1984 (8CD Box Set Sony Music)\1975 Born To Run\Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run.wav
Peak level 99.9 %
Extraction speed 1.3 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C1C74867
Copy CRC C1C74867
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 19) [EAF04418]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 19) [3864047F]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 19) [0BCE7633]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 19) [CFEFCBEB]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 19) [050FEA96]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 19) [1FD73C04]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 19) [DDBE6492]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 19) [5E96EDDB]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum FB1B6F9B3E0C34E1BFC4A8DC3A17FE41757D45573EDBA90E2BAF766EE98089FA ====