
雅尼,全球闻名的演奏家、作曲家,两度被格莱美奖提名,其作品在过去十年中一直是奥林匹克运动会广播音乐的最爱。 雅尼,1954年生于希腊卡拉玛塔的一个风景独特的海滨村庄,五岁时就发现了自己的音乐才能。
作为当今世界上最有影响力的电子乐队的指挥,雅尼所取得的成绩是与他的辛勤汗水分不开的,还在美国读大学时,雅尼就曾接触过电子合成器,后来还与当时最出色的一些电子音乐大师切磋过,如让·米歇尔、雅尔、范吉利斯、皮埃尔、阿达尼等,积累了不少经验,将这些前辈的艺术提高到了一个更完美的境地。其主要专辑为:“雅典卫城音乐会”、“印度泰姬陵音乐会”、“北京紫禁城音乐会”三部曲,包“Tribute”,“Southern Exposure”,“Nightingale ”等。
雅尼曾为许多广告、电视片制作配乐。《 I Love You Perfect》(完美的爱人)是1989年美国电视网电视长片,雅尼承袭他一贯的清新风格,为整部电视片营造出浪漫动人,宽阔自由又略带伤感的乐风,完美呈现出剧情的情境转折及剧中人物的悲喜心绪。他擅长用电子合成技术将古典音乐以现代人的视角做重新诠释。在繁忙喧闹的快节奏生活之中,偷得半日来听雅尼的音乐,也许可以找寻到一份久违了的轻松和休闲。作为一个拥有独特创作方式的音乐人,雅尼不愿被纳入任何流派,他独创着一股魅力独具的音乐潮流。

专辑名称:Voices; Voces
艺 术 家:Yanni
音乐风格:New Age
Yanni 的最新专辑《Voices 声音》,这张专辑是 Yanni 与曾获得过格莱美奖和奥斯卡奖的著名歌曲作家 RicWake 共同合作创作,全部歌曲由4位出色的年轻歌手 LeslieMills、Chloe、Ender Thomas、NathanPacheco 演绎独唱和对唱。
About the Artist Listen again to Yanni's melodies, composed over an incomparable 22-year career, and it becomes clear: The man's music was meant to be sung. Revered for his sweeping symphonic pieces and intimate keyboard airs, Yanni long resisted having vocalists reinterpret his music with lyrics. That is, until now with his premiere Disney Pearl album, "Yanni Voices." More than two years in the making, "Voices" is without question Yanni's most ambitious project yet.
Teaming up with Grammy-winning producer Ric Wake, Yanni went all out, discovering four young singers - Nathan Pacheco, Ender Thomas, Leslie Mills and Chloe - and pairing them with his compositions, old and new. Rather than hire established wordsmiths, Ric and Yanni turned them loose, encouraging the four to write lyrics for the melodies that moved them most. It proved a winning gamble.
Yanni makes a triumphant return with the addition of "voices." For the first time ever, new vocal sensations Nathan Pacheco, Leslie Mills, Ender Thomas and Chloe lend their voices and lyrics to Yanni's beloved classics and new songs.
01. Ritual De Amor (Desire)
02. Llama De Amor
03. Y Te Vas
04. Ni La Fuerza Del Destino
05. Unico Amore (Enchantment)
06. No Ha Dejado De Llover
07. Quedate Conmigo
08. Nei Tuoi Occhi (In The Mirror)
09. Eterno Es Este Amor
10. Volver
11. Mi Todo Eres Tu (Until The Last Moment)
12. Yanni & Arturo
13. Vivire Por Ti
14. En Silencio
15. Que Te Vaya Bien16. Amare Di Nuovo (Adagio In C Minor)
17. Volver A Creer

01. Omaggio (Tribute)
02. Keeper, The
03. Our Days
04. Never Leave The Sun
05. Before The Night Ends
06. 1001
07. Mas Alla
08. Unico Amore (Enchantment)
09. Vivi Il Tuo Sogno (Amost A Whisper)
10. Orchid
11. Set Me Free
12. Kill Me With Your Love
13. Mi Todo Eres Tu (Until The Last Moment)
14. Ritual De Amor (Desire)
15. Moments Without Time
16. Nei Tuoi Occhi (In The Mirror)
17. Amare Di Nuovo (Adagio In C Minor)

[ 本帖最后由 傻妞妞 于 2009-4-25 12:47 编辑 ] |