The Dualers release a new album of 14 original tracks that cover the full range of Jamaican based music with a little bit of Jazz and Blues added for good measure. With influences throughout from the Ska, Rocksteady and Reggae greats of the 1960’s and 70’s this album is perfect for a celebration of Summer.
發源自牙買加 ,本是該地的傳統樂風。經過輸入及改進後,於1960年代早期,成為美國流行音樂樂壇的一環,也為美國當地拉丁美洲流行音樂的重要一部份。 較知名斯卡曲風代表作《My Boy Lollipop》問世後,該曲風更於國際樂壇接受。這是一種具有歡愉節奏、大量銅管樂聲、爵士即興演奏並搭配強烈鼓聲的曲風。
01. Got to Do Better Than That
02. Johnny Come Back
03. Dancin' Til the Sun Comes Up
04. Too Much
05. It's a Wonderful Life
06. If You Were Mine
07. Spend Some Time
08. Written in the Stars
09. Only When You're Around
10. Sounds Like a Lie
11. What a Bangarang
12. Don't Bother Me
13. I Only Have Eyes for You
14. Countless Nights