
Smokey Robinson -Timeless Love永恒滴爱
英文名称:Smokey Robinson / Timeless Love
歌唱家: Smokey Robinson
唱片公司: EAC

Smokey Robinson,1940年2月19日生于底特律。他15岁的时候就和同窗好友录制了第一盘磁带,开启了自己创作,别人唱红的序幕。
Miracles的第一首热门歌曲是1960年登上美国排行榜亚军位置的“Shop Around”,这是一首快节奏的作品,同时也体现出Robinson出色的驾驭文字的技巧。随后他们的乐队迎来了黄金时代,推出了一系列的热门歌曲。
作为美国当代最有影响力的诗人,Robinson为整个流行音乐创作了一系列相当精制的歌词和旋律。作为一名60年代最有影响力的灵歌音乐家之一,Smokey Robinson将40年代和50年代黑人演唱组特有的甜美假声唱法进行了精练,同The Miracles(奇迹)演唱组一道,他将这一演唱风格演变为流行音乐一个特有的派别。

歌曲“Tracks Of My Tears(泪痕)”被看作是Smokey Robinson & The Miracles最伟大的一首单曲,是Robinson缓慢华丽和柔和的爱情歌曲的代表作品,其中吉他手Marvin Tarplin舒缓流畅的演奏和Robinson忧郁忏悔的演唱以及深思熟虑的措词完美的结合在一起。
到了1967年,也许是年龄上的缘故,Smokey Robinson的作品丧失了青春的朝气,但具有了一种新的深度,在纯真的格调消逝后,Smokey Robinson & The Miracles并未从此一蹶不振。他们1967年录制了歌曲“The Tears Of A Clown(小丑的眼泪)”,1970年在英国获得了成功,这一成功促使他们在美国发行了这首歌,并最终成为The Miracles第一首排行榜的冠军歌曲。在20世纪60年代Robinsons和Miracl0e一道,把假声唱法演变成风格独立的流行音乐流派。

1972年,经过一系列的告别演出,Smokey Robinson离开了The Miracles开始个人的发展,他独特的演唱风格被70年代那些“蓝眼睛的白人灵歌歌手”广泛模仿,当他成为一位个人音乐家之初,Robinson继续发展着这一风格,树立起了亲切热情的男子汉形象。
作为一位具有影响力的作曲家和表演者,Smokey Robinson完善了黑人灵歌的流行风格,尤其是他的歌词,充满了令人信服的比喻以及精制的双关语,一直被评论家们广为称赞。在他的制作技巧方面,Robinson培养起了自己浪漫的印象主义风格,也为自己的歌曲大大增色。

Review: Add Smokey Robinson to the list of sophisticated crooners sidestepping the race to rack up songwriter credits in favor of revisiting standards. Don't add him to the list of well-loved pop statesmen willing to let a team of backing musicians do the heavy lifting, though. With Timeless Love, Smokey situates himself in a candle-lit lounge of the mind: these may be other artists' songs
but he sketches in the details with the very stuff of his soul. Which, as anybody who's ever sung along to "The Tracks of My Tears" knows, is leagues more potent than most. Heart-stabbingly so. In Frank Sinatra's quite capable hands, for example, "Fly Me to the Moon" is a bawdy, puff-chested romp; in Smokey's it's a tender celebration of blinding love (ditto for "I've Got You Under My Skin").
Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time," meanwhile, becomes less brooding and more pleading as he ups the romantic balladeer quotient--there's something in the twists and turns of that gorgeous, trembling tenor. While Smokey, at 67, is still able to run vocal circles around many of the artists more closely associated with these numbers, it's with his own song, "I Love Your Face," that he threatens to do the most damage to the already weak-kneed. Couples in black tie might have been swirling around him as he recorded this disc: dim the lights and sway accordingly. --Tammy La Gorce

01 you go to my head
02 i'm in the mood for love
03 our love is here to stay
04 fly me to the moon
05 night and day
06 i'm glad there is you
07 more than you know
08 speak low
09 time after time
10 i can't give you anything but love (baby)
11 i love your face
12 i've got you under my skin
13 tea for two
试听曲 : I've Got You Under My Skin

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