Band history
Members Jesse Dryfhout and Christopher John (then Chris Moerman) were high-school classmates who played in a band called Molly along with Shaun Bennett and McKenzie Dougall. Molly released their only EP Ghosts of Yesterday in 1997. Dryfhout was originally the drummer of the band until he came to the band with the first song that he had ever written: "Everybody". Soon after, he and John started to share song-writing and singing duties.
乐队成员 Jesse Dryfhout和Christopher John(那时叫Chris Moerman)是大学同学,他们当时和Shaun Bennett、McKenzie Dougall一起组了个叫"Molly"的乐队。Molly乐队在97年发行了唯一一张EP《Ghosts of Yesterday》.Dryfhout加入Molly后,带来了他之前写的一首歌"Everybody",从此他和John共同程丹乐队的创作和演唱职责——在此之前他只是别的乐队的鼓手而已。
樂隊成員 Jesse Dryfhout和Christopher John(那時叫Chris Moerman)是大學同學,他們當時和Shaun Bennett、McKenzie Dougall一起組了個叫"Molly"的樂隊。Molly樂隊在97年發行了唯一一張EP《Ghosts of Yesterday》.Dryfhout加入Molly後,帶來了他之前寫的一首歌"Everybody",從此他和John共同程丹樂隊的創作和演唱職責——在此之前他只是別的樂隊的鼓手而已。
Molly played their last show at a barn in Maple Ridge only to walk back onto the stage as Stabilo Boss, sporting a new line-up with both Christopher and Jesse leading the band. The band's acoustic-rock sound featured Nathan Wylie, an accomplished drummer and friend of Dryfhout and John, and Karl Williaume on bass.
Molly乐队在Maple Ridge的一个仓库里完成了他们最后的一次演出,不料这竟会使得他们以“Stabilo Boss”的全新阵容步入另一个台阶。“Stabilo Boss”由Christopher和Jesse共同领导,acoustic-rock的声响主要由他们的一个朋友也是一个杰出的鼓手Nathan Wylie负责,贝斯由Karl Williaume负责。
Molly樂隊在Maple Ridge的一個倉庫裏完成了他們最後的一次演出,不料這竟會使得他們以“Stabilo Boss”的全新陣容步入另一個台階。“Stabilo Boss”由Christopher和Jesse共同領導,acoustic-rock的聲響主要由他們的一個朋友也是一個傑出的鼓手Nathan Wylie負責,貝斯由Karl Williaume負責。
In 1999, the band recorded Kitchen Sessions, so named as it was an independent recording made in a kitchen. The EP was a completely home-made affair, the band and their university friends burning and distributing the discs themselves. Around this time, Stabilo Boss began to grow a solid local fan base based on the core support of their peers in school.
1999年,乐队录制了“Kitchen Sessions”,因为这张EP是在一个厨房里录制的,所以得此命名。这张EP完全是一张家庭式作坊的制作——乐队成员和他们大学的朋友亲力亲为,一起烤录和发行了这张EP.在这期间,Stabilo Boss乐队逐渐成长为一支以学校拥泵为核心,拥有一群死忠本土粉丝的乐队。
1999年,樂隊錄制了“Kitchen Sessions”,因爲這張EP是在一個廚房裏錄制的,所以得此命名。這張EP完全是一張家庭式作坊的制作——樂隊成員和他們大學的朋友親力親爲,一起烤錄和發行了這張EP.在這期間,Stabilo Boss樂隊逐漸成長爲一支以學校擁泵爲核心,擁有一群死忠本土粉絲的樂隊。
In the summer of 2000, the band recorded their self-titled debut with Recording Producer/Engineer, Matthew J Doughty at Praiz Sound Studio in Northern California. Released independently in early 2001, the album quickly sold out of its first pressing as Stabilo Boss began to become regulars in the local Vancouver music scene. The band's big break came roughly a year later when a DJ at the Vancouver's XFM decided to play "Everybody" on their music competition show, Chaos.
2000年夏季,在北加州Praiz录音室里,录音师Matthew J Doughty跟乐队合作录制了他们的同名处女作。2001年初此唱片首版一经发行即告售罄。Stabilo Boss也因此而摇身一变成为温哥华乐坛的常客。乐队的重大转折发生在大约一年后,当时温哥华XFM台(一个知名的音乐电台)的一个DJ决定在他们台的一个音乐比赛节目"Chaos"中使用他们的音乐"Everybody".
2000年夏季,在北加州Praiz錄音室裏,錄音師Matthew J Doughty跟樂隊合作錄制了他們的同名處女作。2001年初此唱片首版一經發行即告售罄。Stabilo Boss也因此而搖身一變成爲溫哥華樂壇的常客。樂隊的重大轉折發生在大約一年後,當時溫哥華XFM台(一個知名的音樂電台)的一個DJ決定在他們台的一個音樂比賽節目"Chaos"中使用他們的音樂"Everybody".
The band's solid songwriting and loyal fan base lead to the song beating out other offerings from more well established artists and dominating the station's Top 7@7 charts for nearly a month. With this exposure, the band sold 5000 copies of their album independently and began to be courted by major labels.
乐队扎实的歌曲创作及忠实的粉丝支持基础使得这首歌一经播出就狠甩其它更成熟的艺人几条街,占据了这个Top 7@7音乐排行版冠军将近一个月。凭着这个惊艳亮相,乐队一口气卖了5000张专辑唱片并开始为主流唱片公司所瞩目。
樂隊紮實的歌曲創作及忠實的粉絲支持基礎使得這首歌一經播出就狠甩其它更成熟的藝人幾條街,占據了這個Top 7@7音樂排行版冠軍將近一個月。憑著這個驚豔亮相,樂隊一口氣賣了5000張專輯唱片並開始爲主流唱片公司所矚目。
In the midst of all of the excitement over "Everybody", the band quietly released The Beautiful Madness EP which they sold only at their shows. The four song disc was recorded live off of the soundboard and prominently featured a grand piano on all tracks. It quickly sold out.
趁着市场对"Everybody"的热捧,乐队又马不停蹄的推出了另一张EP《The Beautiful Madness》,且只在他们的演出现场发售。这张包含4首歌曲的唱片,以音板为主,每首曲子都精选钢琴伴奏。很快的,《The Beautiful Madness》又告售罄。
趁著市場對"Everybody"的熱捧,樂隊又馬不停蹄的推出了另一張EP《The Beautiful Madness》,且只在他們的演出現場發售。這張包含4首歌曲的唱片,以音板爲主,每首曲子都精選鋼琴伴奏。很快的,《The Beautiful Madness》又告售罄。
Rather than accept the first offers coming in from major labels, the band began to record their next album at Mushroom studios. According to John, the studio's owner John Wozniak (Marcy Playground) liked the band so much that he "basically just gave us free time there". By 2003, the band had completed their next album, produced by Wozniak and local musician/producer Jon Anderson (Radiogram/Jonathan Inc.).
出乎意料的,乐队并没有接受大唱片公司的片约,而是在Mushroom录音室开始了他们下张专辑的录制。在John看来,这个音乐室的所有者John Wozniak (Marcy Playground)超喜欢乐队甚至到了几乎放任他们完全自由的程度。在2003年,乐队完成了他们的新专辑,由Wozniak和本土音乐制作人Jon Anderson (Radiogram/Jonathan Inc.)制作。
出乎意料的,樂隊並沒有接受大唱片公司的片約,而是在Mushroom錄音室開始了他們下張專輯的錄制。在John看來,這個音樂室的所有者John Wozniak (Marcy Playground)超喜歡樂隊甚至到了幾乎放任他們完全自由的程度。在2003年,樂隊完成了他們的新專輯,由Wozniak和本土音樂制作人Jon Anderson (Radiogram/Jonathan Inc.)制作。
At this point, the album was not released as Stabilo Boss was courting the record companies. After a search, they signed a deal with EMI Canada. With this transition to the big time, the band shortened their name to Stabilo. In an interview, Jesse stated that the band's name came from the Stabilo Boss brand highlighter they used to write down possible band names.
但这次,这张专辑未能发行,Stabilo Boss不得不寻求起唱片公司。经过一番搜寻,他们与加拿大EMI唱片公司签约。由于如此大的过渡,乐队将他们的名称缩减为"Stabilo".在一次采访中,Jesse表明乐队的名字来源于“Stabilo Boss”牌(一种知名的荧光笔品牌),他们当初在考虑乐队名字时就是用这种牌子的笔写下各种想到的名字的。
但這次,這張專輯未能發行,Stabilo Boss不得不尋求起唱片公司。經過一番搜尋,他們與加拿大EMI唱片公司簽約。由于如此大的過渡,樂隊將他們的名稱縮減爲"Stabilo".在一次采訪中,Jesse表明樂隊的名字來源于“Stabilo Boss”牌(一種知名的熒光筆品牌),他們當初在考慮樂隊名字時就是用這種牌子的筆寫下各種想到的名字的。
After touring Canada, sharing the stage with notable Canadian performers such as Blue Rodeo, Our Lady Peace, Sam Roberts, K-OS, Finger 11, Sloan, Hawksley Workman, Jack Soul, Metric, Danko Jones, Thornley, 54-40, Matthew Good, Tomi Swick, Loverboy, Pilot Speed, The Trews, Wide Mouth Mason, The Tea Party, Mike Todd, and Lesley Pike, and waiting a year, the new material recorded in 2002 was included in the album 'Cupid?', released on May 11, 2004. The radio-friendly release was somewhat of a let down to longtime fans who had been waiting for the release of a new album's worth of material for two years. Most of the new material recorded was shelved in favor of a seven song disc featuring only three previously unreleased tracks.
在与一众大牌艺人如Blue Rodeo, Our Lady Peace, Sam Roberts, K-OS, Finger 11, Sloan, Hawksley Workman, Jack Soul, Metric, Danko Jones, Thornley, 54-40, Matthew Good, Tomi Swick, Loverboy, Pilot Speed, The Trews, Wide Mouth Mason, The Tea Party, Mike Todd, and Lesley Pike等等同台加拿大全国巡演后,又过了一年,他们在2002年录制的新曲目收录在2004年5月11日发行的专辑'Cupid?'中。这个专辑的radio-friendly版本使得翘首以盼等了两年希望他们出新专辑的粉丝有些失望,因为原先录制好的大多数曲目被搁置,取而代之的是一张7首曲目的唱片,里面只有三首是前期未泄漏歌曲。
在與一衆大牌藝人如Blue Rodeo, Our Lady Peace, Sam Roberts, K-OS, Finger 11, Sloan, Hawksley Workman, Jack Soul, Metric, Danko Jones, Thornley, 54-40, Matthew Good, Tomi Swick, Loverboy, Pilot Speed, The Trews, Wide Mouth Mason, The Tea Party, Mike Todd, and Lesley Pike等等同台加拿大全國巡演後,又過了一年,他們在2002年錄制的新曲目收錄在2004年5月11日發行的專輯'Cupid?'中。這個專輯的radio-friendly版本使得翹首以盼等了兩年希望他們出新專輯的粉絲有些失望,因爲原先錄制好的大多數曲目被擱置,取而代之的是一張7首曲目的唱片,裏面只有三首是前期未泄漏歌曲。
For the uninitiated, the album was well received across Canada with "Everybody" repeating much of its original success in many new locations. The re-release of "Everybody" was followed by the single "One More Pill", which was also culled from the self-titled disc.
对于不熟悉的人来说,这张专辑凭着"Everybody"一曲在加拿大境内许多其它新地方复制了此前许多的成功。"Everybody",这首来自同名专辑的歌曲也紧随单曲"One More Pill",很快实行了再发行。
對于不熟悉的人來說,這張專輯憑著"Everybody"一曲在加拿大境內許多其它新地方複制了此前許多的成功。"Everybody",這首來自同名專輯的歌曲也緊隨單曲"One More Pill",很快實行了再發行。
Stabilo released their second album with EMI Canada on April 4, 2006 called Happiness and Disaster. The first single, "Flawed Design", was played on radio stations across Canada (and in nearby U.S. areas such as Detroit) rising to Number 1 on the Canadian charts. The video was aired on MuchMusic, MuchMoreMusic and Most Requested.
Stabilo通过加拿大EMI唱片公司于2006年4月4日发行了他们第二张专辑《Happiness and Disaster》.首单"Flawed Design"透过加拿大全境(含美国临近加国地区例如底特律)的电台放送,立马摘得加拿大音乐排行版的冠军宝座。单曲MV也在MuchMusic, MuchMoreMusic和其它邀请的媒体上播出。
Stabilo通過加拿大EMI唱片公司于2006年4月4日發行了他們第二張專輯《Happiness and Disaster》.首單"Flawed Design"透過加拿大全境(含美國臨近加國地區例如底特律)的電台放送,立馬摘得加拿大音樂排行版的冠軍寶座。單曲MV也在MuchMusic, MuchMoreMusic和其它邀請的媒體上播出。
In May 2006, Stabilo was announced as the opening act for the Canadian arm of INXS's tour.
In July 2006, Stabilo released their second single and video from the Happiness and Disaster album, "Kidding Ourselves".
2006年7月,Stabilo发布了他们新专辑第二首单曲"Kidding Ourselves"的MV.
2006年7月,Stabilo發布了他們新專輯第二首單曲"Kidding Ourselves"的MV.
In March 2007, Stabilo was nominated as the Juno Awards New Band of the Year, but lost to Mobile.
In November 2007, Stabilo was awarded the SOCAN award for "Flawed Design" in the category of pop song that achieved the greatest number of plays on Canadian radio for 2006.
2007年11月,Stabilo因单曲"Flawed Design"在06年度加拿大电台点播率最高而被授予SOCAN流行曲目类别大奖。
2007年11月,Stabilo因單曲"Flawed Design"在06年度加拿大電台點播率最高而被授予SOCAN流行曲目類別大獎。
In April 2011, the band released a statement declaring they were on permanent hiatus.
可以说,整只乐队的创作结晶都凝结在了这张《Happiness & Disaster》的专辑上,名为专辑,还不如说是他们的前进史,打开这张专辑,等于将这支乐队身上的故事,以及他们焕发的光彩细细品味了一番,我一直很讶异,从来没有一张专辑能让我打骨子里推崇备至到这个境地,因为这张专辑每一首歌的词曲质量之高,在所有流行大牌大咖乐队的专辑里,竟然很难找到一张专辑能与《Happiness & Disaster》媲美。所以我热切的邀请你,停下你的急躁,放缓你的心情,将每一首歌细细欣赏一番。
01. Don't Look in Their Eyes
Oh no, go get your guns
We'll all fight like cowboys and pray like nuns
Then we'll dance around the open flames
If it gets too hot then we'll have no shame
No shame
And you say we talk to much
Cause nothing changes, nothing changes (enough)
So we don't talk enough
Cause nothing changes, nothing changes, enough
Oh Oh Oh
Oh no no
So were here, sound the alarms
Throw up your arms
We've brought the entire army and we're starving
So don't try
Anything smart
There's plenty of ammunition and we've got a cause
Look now he's on the run
Well I'm glad he tried, it's much more fun
If we chase until the sun goes down
We can take him out with no one else around
No one else around
No one else around
No oh
Oh no no
So were here, sound the alarms
Throw up your arms
We've brought the entire army and we're starving
So don't try
Anything smart
There's plenty of ammunition and we've got a cause
Stick around I've got a hunch
We'll bomb this town and stop for lunch
And never, Nevermind those awful cries
It's not as real if you don't look in their eyes
Don't look in their eyes
Don't look in their eyes
Oh no
Oh no no
So were here, sound the alarms
Throw up your arms
We've brought the entire army and we're starving
So don't try
Anything smart
There's plenty of ammunition and we've got a cause
Don't look in their eyes
Don't look in their eyes
Oh no
Don't look in their eyes
Don't look in their eyes
Oh no
02. Habit
I want everything I see
I want you to want me
I want the water where you swim
I want to drown in it
I want your lust and your favourite toys
Your lonely girls and your beautiful boys
Your guardian angel when you sin
I want everywhere that you’ve been
Young and lonely
I want to be your one and only
Young and lonely
Enough is never quite enough for me
I want your clothing when you sweat
I want the rain that makes you wet
I want the drink that made you sick
I want to choke on it
Young and lonely
I want to be your one and only
Young and lonely
Enough is never quite enough for me
I want the road you travel on
I want the truth where we went wrong
I want the habit you couldn’t kick
I want to be owned by it
And the habit we couldn’t kick
Are we owned by it?
03. Kidding Ourselves
And I, I wanted to tear down the curtains
To let, let in some natural light
I wake up and open one eye
And wait for the window to crack at me, alone
And I, I wanted to curl up beside you
And die, at least for an hour or more
Depending on how you react
Depending on how you respond to me
I'll stick around
We're kidding ourselves kidding ourselves
So what do you want from me
'Cause as long as there's a payphone and a taxi cab I'm alright 'cause I can leave home
We're kidding ourselves kidding ourselves
So what are you waiting for
'Cause even with a fast car and a cellphone I won't leave 'cause I'd be alone
So tonight, let's be as bold as we want to
And drink, drink 'til we fall down the steps
Remember how that made us laugh
Remember how all that we did was laugh, and cry
Well, we're kidding ourselves kidding ourselves
So what do you want from me
'Cause as long as there's a payphone and a taxi cab I'm alright 'cause I can leave home
We're kidding ourselves kidding ourselves
So what are you waiting for
'Cause even on a bullet train or a jet plane I won't leave 'cause I'd be alone
And I'm lucky to find cardboard in an alleyway that I can call home
So tonight, let's be as bold as we want to run, four eyes ohhh
We're kidding ourselves kidding ourselves
So what do you want from me
'Cause as long as there's a payphone and a taxi cab I'm alright 'cause I can leave home
We're kidding ourselves kidding ourselves
So what are you waiting for
'Cause even on a bullet train or a jet plane I won't leave 'cause I'd be alone
I'm lucky to find cardboard in an alleyway that I can call home
So don't take your eyes off me, don't look away
I won't be alone
At home
04. Don't Be So Cold
整首歌显得特别的“满”,融合了加拿大本土爱斯基摩风格与北美流行乐等特点,虽然叫的是“Don't Be So Cold”,但整首歌的基调基本就是用酷酷的感觉在演绎的。
You must be made of straw
The way you bend
You’re afraid of windy days or any breeze
At all it never ends
We run too much
And we shake too many hands
Now all our thumbs are broken
And our toes too sore to dance
But when our minds are sharp
And our teeth are clean
We focus on the past
And we don’t say what we mean
It’s then that we gain perspective
It’s then we realize where we went wrong
Oh oh oh oh
Don’t be so cold when I kiss you
Oh oh oh oh
Don’t be so bold as to miss me
Strange how words
Seemed to only make things worse
So let’s speak without our tongues
And we’ll sing without a verse
Until your eyes are red
Until my stomach hurts
Until we’re bleeding from the silence
And the salt has stained our shirts
Until there’s pleasure in our pain and our
Sadness leads to gain, again, again
Oh oh oh oh
Don’t be so cold when I kiss you
Oh oh oh oh
Don’t be so bold as to miss me
We must be made of glass
The way we break
We crumble into pieces
When we leave too much at stake
But when your mind is closed
And our heads are sore
We’ve buried all the laughter
And you’re walking out the door
Think back to a time when time was a place
Where a thought was a dream
And a dream was a hope for time
05. Flawed Design
When I was a young boy
I was honest and I had more self-control
If I was tempted I would run
Then, when I got older
I began to lie to get exactly what I wanted
When I wanted it
And I wanted it
Now, I'm having trouble differentiating
Between what I want
And what I need
To make me happy
So instead of thinking I just stop
Before I have the chance to contemplate the
Consequence of action
And I will turn off
And I will shut down
Burying the voices of my conscience hitting ground
And I will turn off
And I will shut down
The chemicals are restless in my head
'Cuz I lie
Not because I want to
But I seem to need to
All the time
Yeah, I lie
And I don't even know it
Maybe this is
All a part of my flawed design
And ever since I figured out
That I could control other people
I've had trouble sleeping
With both eyes closed
And if I asked permission
If I make sure it's ok
I promise I won't slip up this time
You can trust me
But never take advice from someone
Who just admitted to being devious
Who just confessed to treason
And I would also
never ask a question
That I cannot ask myself
For it might
Dirty up your conscience
'Cuz I lie
Not because I want to
But I seem to need to
All the time
Yeah, I lie
And I don't even know it
Maybe this is
All a part of my -
And how can you say those things
Why can't you just believe?
And how can you say those things
And keep a straight face?
And how can you say those things
Why can't you just believe?
And how can you say those things
And keep a straight face?
And I will turn off
And I will shut down
Burying the voices of my conscience hitting ground
And I will turn off
And I will shut down
The chemicals are restless in my head
And I will turn off
And I will shut down
Burying the voices of my conscience hitting ground
And I will turn off
And I will shut down
The chemicals are restless in my head
'Cuz I lie
Not because I want to
But I seem to need to
All the time
Yeah, I lie
And I don't even know it
Maybe this is
All a part of my -
'Cuz I lie
And if I could control it
Maybe I could leave it all behind
Yeah, I lie
And I don't even know it
Maybe this is all a part of my
Flawed design
06. Delivering Idiots
I’m grateful for these things
These things are grateful for me but
These gifts are plagues
These plagues are candy coated
I only hope it brings
A smile and all the other
Little useless things
But these hands are tied to an arm
And to an eye that won’t abide
I’m not doing that well today
And self control was never my forte
So I call a friend
Jesus with a pager and Mercedes Benz
Cuz there’s a limit to ourselves
And all the games we play
It’s metaphor we use to define our day
It’s only rhythm
It’s only sound
But we’re not accustomed to the tempo
And we find it too loud
And all the time…
You look like a star
And I talk like a fool
I’m delivering idiots and photographs
It makes me look cool
I’m doing much better today
It’s just harder to focus
On the things that I hate
I’m not too worried cuz I know
I’ll get my vision back
Then at least I’ll have a weapon
To defend these attacks
If I could only find a filter
For these tricks
Then I could bury the riddles deep
Deep in the mix
It’s not the lines
It’s more the tones
More often it’s the volume
That can make it hit home
It’s not the songs
That determine if the record sells
It’s the faces in the videos
that we know so well
It’s the push from the whores
In leather chairs
They package our emotions
And they market our fears
And the rise to the top is a fall from below
I’ve never been one to see writing on walls
Still you call me crazy
Don’t walk on in don’t expect me to listen
Don’t you try to save me
Because I’m too suspicious of long
Explanations that
Make you feel like
You’ve really reached me
I’m changing my ways I believe
Don’t talk about
What happened 14 hours ago
It’s ok if you smile
But please
07. Happiness and Disaster
You couldn’t find two people more
Different on the shores of love
And wading in together is dangerous
'Til she grabs you by the wrist
Disarms you with a kiss, and you
Forget about the angry shadows hanging
Round your neck
But we’re giving it all anyway
Though it may be a mistake
We’re swimming between the waves of
Happiness and disaster
And I don’t know any other way than to
Live just for the day
Then let the shadows come
And carry me away
We’re floating in between the stars
As I’m kissing all your scars
That made you beautiful and strong
And me not relate
When we finally wake up, after coming down
You’ll find the angry shadows have tied
Me to the ground
But we’re giving it all anyway
Though it may be a mistake
We’re swimming between the waves of
Happiness and disaster
And I don’t know any other way than to
Live just for the day
Then let the shadows come
And carry me away
We’re never far from the battle
And you never shine in my shadow
No we’re never far from the battle
And you never shine in my shadow
Now we’re finally finding out
What we got ourselves into
But we’re giving it all anyway
Though it may be a mistake
We’re swimming between the waves of
Happiness and disaster
And I don’t know any other way than to
Live just for the day
Then let the shadows come
And carry me away
08. Coffee Spills
Spin round the steering wheel the
Coffee spills but you can’t feel
The dam behind your eyes
Turn off the radio, the news is fake
But you can’t tell who’s
Making up the lies
Waking up to find…
Waking up to find…
You don’t love life
Mary-anne you’re late
I’ve been waiting for you for three days
I’m beginning to be afraid
I’ve been looking out the window
Your smoked cigarette is your slow suicide
And you only speak to pass the time
But time’s been passing you
The days feel like they’re getting shorter
The nights are definitely getting colder
I don’t know what you’re going to do
Waking up to find…
Waking up to find…you don’t love life
Mary-anne you’re late
I’ve been waiting for you for three days
I’m beginning to be afraid
I’ve been looking out the window
And I don’t know how this happened
I remember laughing
At the zombies who had no fun
Now you’ve turned into one
I don’t know if it matters
That we’re hanging from the rafters
Mary-anne you’re late
I’ve been waiting for you for three days
I’m beginning to be afraid
I’ve been looking out the window
I asked you “what do you think you’ll find?”
You said “nothing” but you didn’t mind
“It’s all just smoke and mirrors”
I asked you “where do you think you’ll go?”
You said “Nowhere but at least I know
I’m having trouble holding back the years.”
09. Rain Awhile
一开始是用灰色的调调讲述失去“她”的痛苦,很容易就会被歌者自如的唱腔带进去,整首歌前三分钟一直都是这种难过的感觉,你甚至都跟着主唱难受了,突然后面一段ending如同黎明的时候撩起窗帘, 屋里瞬间明亮起来,虽然歌词还是有些自嘲充满无奈,但明显已经体现一种时过境迁的感觉,仿佛“我”已然接受了这个事实一样。
And I want my pain back
And I want the world to see
There’s nothing you can choose
Nothing you can lose
Except your free will to be
Better off as a stable boy
You’re better off as a picture on the wall
You're better off believing,
You’re a ghost
Than believing you can think at all
It may sound confused
But it feels good to me
It may be a lie
But I’m tired
And I’m right about ready to show no soul, no no
Rain, Rain for a while
Oh No,rain, rain for a while
'cause on your front porch is a letter from me
Revealing my own hell
So I change when the time is right
The right time's always few and far below
The right time is always wondering where to go, what to show, what to write about
And the world is on fire
Baby it's too good
I should not control my way to be
it’s plain to see, I'm gonna be
'Cause I’m right about ready to show no soul
No, No, Rain, Rain for a while
Oh, No rain for a while
Because on your front porch there's a letter from
And the world is a girl in a beauty form
And a race is a place where it's singled out
So believe in yourself
Don’t wait for ground to break
Wait for ground
It's ok to feel alone
It's ok to feel not strong
Once in a while
'Cause I keep telling myself what to feel
I play make believe until it's real
Oh most of the time
Because time was never too friendly to me
Somehow change just avoided to greet me
No, oh completely
And so when reality's taken its toll
Just pretend that you are not in control
Oh complacency
And so no
It's okay feel alone
It's okay to feel not strong
Oh once in a while
10. Ordinary
Hard to tell, a friend that you've fallen in love
watching her sing on the bow of a boat
Hard to move, the muscles to open your mouth
To admit to what she's been afraid of
I'm sorry, I know I'm only ordinary, I'm not a star
I apologize, I know this is an unpleasant surprise
You need a star
Can they tell when nobody says a sound
When I'm lying, when I'm shaking
Right beside
A prophet who made up his mind
To keep quiet
Stay silent
I'm sorry, I know I'm only ordinary, I'm not a star
I apologize, I know this is an unpleasant surprise
You need a star
And to love, not to be loved, is the key
And to see, not to be seen, that is me
And to move, not to be moved, is to be free
And to love, not to be loved is the key
And to love (and to love), not to be loved (not to be loved), is the key
And to see (and to see), not to be seen (not to be seen), that is me (that is me)
And to move (and to move), not to be moved (not to be moved), is to be free (is to be free)
And to love (and to love), not to be loved (not to be loved, is the key)
11. Beautiful Madness
I will go on. You take me to your land
Time will go on. It breaks me,
in your life
Say what you wanna say, any time of day,
but don't justify my truths
It's time for me to change, time for hope
to bleed, time for love to sacrifice,
Oh and madness didn't change the fact
that we fell apart
It could've been love
but we had a rough start
I could've held back,
but you were already there
You didn't have to wait,
and I don't have to care.
Time will go on.
It breaks me in your life
Say what you wanna say, any time of day,
but don't justify my truths
It's time for me to change, time for hope
to bleed, time for love to sacrifice,
Oh and madness didn't change the fact that we f ell apart
It could've been love
but we had a rough start
I could've held back
but you were already there
You didn't have to wait
and I didn't have to care
Oh and madness didn't change the fact that we f ell apart
It could've been love
but we had a rough start
I could've held back
but you were already there
And if you never look back
you never quite care
But you caught my eye and
stole a thousand teardrops
You told me so many times.
But I can taste his blood
My hands are tied
The nails are in my pocket
This world was made for kings and queens
and I alone
So tie me up and spike another coffee
Bring out your dead alive
wasted for the lines
For the times I've walked
for the times I talked
For the times alone, alone, alone
This beautiful madness,
this glorious sadness
This time to share...
Na na na...
12. If It Was up to Me
If it was up to me, I’d never look both
Ways before crossing the street
If it was up to me, I’d never wear my
Seatbelt, and I’d probably still speed
If it was up to me, I never would have
Smiled in any pictures
I’d most likely sleep all day
If I could just relax for awhile
So you better come quick
I’m about to do something foolish
If you could be so kind
As to call the police
I swear this time
It’s not just for attention
But I also know that you have heard that
From me once before
If it was up to you,
I would never swear around people
I’m supposed to respect
If it was up to you, I’d keep in touch with
Friends from the past
Even though they never last
If it was up to you,
I’d always say my prayers before I ate
And before I went to sleep
If it was up to you, I’d be happy and I’d
Write songs that made you happy too
I can’t seem to care much for these things
That you call life
So you better come quick
I’m about to do something foolish
If you could be so kind
As to call the police
I swear this time
It’s not just for attention
I don’t want the topic to change
I couldn’t ever tell you, to your face
That I’ve only been pretending
To enjoy this place
It’s all been make believe
And it’s mostly in my head
The problem is we only guess
Where we go when we finally rest
Will it be better than where we are now
Still I’d like to believe
It’s better than here
Better than where we are
Better than here
We’ve forgotten what we’re here for
Or maybe we never knew
If a simple life is what we want
Why are we so confused?
Cuz we all want a happy ending
But we’re tired of children’s books
We’re tired of feeling useless
And we’re tired of dirty looks
I swear we used to feel things
Or at least we cried real tears
We used to say I’m sorry
But we haven’t now for years
So forgive us of our sins
Before we make our move
Let us die in peace
So we never have to choose
13. Everybody
doesn't anybody know how to walk anymore?
doesn't anybody know what a radio is for ?
doesn't anybody wear their hair down low ?
doesn't anybody know? doesn't anybody know?
doesn't anybody hate it when the street light.. turns red?
doesn't anybody want five more minutes in bed ?
doesn't anybody, doesnt anybody have a letter to send ?
doesn't anybody wish they had just one more friend ?
cause eveybody wants, and everybody needs
everybody asks for one more piece
everybody wants to hear someone say please
cause everybody takes, and everybody steals
everybody cries when something feels
everybody is looking for the drug that heals
doesn't anybody wanna take another shot at me ?
go ahead the gun is loaded and the bullets are for free
doesn't everybody spray perfume to cover up a smell ?
doesn't anybody know where to go to get some help ?
cause everybody wants, and everybody needs,
everybody begs for self esteem
why don't you get your mind out of the past
and everybody takes and everybody steals,
everybody's been kicked by other heels
please raise your hands up in the air..
oh in the air yeah
why don't you raise your, raise your, raise your hands in the air
why don't you raise your hands up in the air
cause everybody wants...
doesn't anybody know how to walk anymore?
doesn't anybody know what a radio is for ?
doesn't anybody wear their hair down low ?
doesn't anybody know? doesnt anybody know?
cause everybody wants
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