
艺术家:William Joseph 威廉·约瑟夫|-专辑名称 Within|发行时间: (2004)
1 CD | EAC Rip |音乐格式 Ape, image + .cue, log-file | 文件大小209 Mb
Scans |音乐风格 Piano, Contemporary Instrumental | 143 Records/Reprise Records

原先在学校教授钢琴的跨界钢琴家William Joseph,则是由席琳狄翁(Celine Dion)、乔许葛洛班(Josh Groban)等重量级歌手的超级制作人大卫佛斯特(David Foster)在一场慈善演奏会上发掘。他于乔许葛洛班2004年的“Closer Tour”巡回演唱会担任开场表演者,同年他发行了首张个人专辑《Within》。他于今年发行的专辑《Beyond》也在Billboard跨界排行榜上得到第八名的成绩,很可惜目前台湾尚未引进他的专辑。
In the case of the extraordinary young piano virtuoso William Joseph, that statement applies both literally and figuratively.
This twenty-eight year old Phoenix, Arizona native has displayed an innate affinity and enduring love for his instrument virtually from the cradle. Matched with a dedication and discipline that has given polish and precision to his passion, William Joseph has indeed reached deep inside to discover and nurture his spectacular gift.
It’s a gift gloriously displayed on Within, William Joseph’s dazzling debut album on 143/Reprise Records. Highlighting eleven tracks that deftly demonstrate his exceptional range and versatility, Within was produced by the legendary artist, songwriter, producer and talent scout David Foster. If Foster’s track record with the likes of Josh Groban, Michel Buble and Renee Olstead are any indication, William Joseph is indeed poised for worldwide acclaim with the release of Within.
It’s a promise evident early in the life of William Joseph. At age eight, the young prodigy had already garnered a full music scholarship that would allow him to study classical piano with the likes of the acclaimed Russian instructor Stella Saperstein. For several years, the scholarship was sponsored by the Boys Club of America.
Yet even while immersed in such rarified realms, Joseph’s eclectic musical tastes prompted him to sample a wide array of styles and sensibilities. A natural born performer, he had songwriting ambitions and a love for cinematic scoring that could give full range to his richly textured and subtly nuanced skills.

William Joseph,美国最著名的跨界钢琴演奏家、作曲家。从2004年初出茅庐,在短短的4年时间里,他迅速成为美国最炙手可热的钢琴“明星”。高超的演奏技巧配以俊朗的外型,成就了他的音乐神话。William Joseph四岁开始学习钢琴,并在5岁就写出了他的第一首钢琴作品。他从小就展示了不同常人的音乐才华,并写出了很多后来让广大乐迷为之疯狂的作品。
2003年威廉偶遇大卫福斯特并且得到了对方的赏识。一年以后他正式签约大卫福斯特与时代华纳集团合资成立的143唱片公司,成为乔许葛洛班、麦克尔巴布尔等的同门师弟。接下来,大卫福斯特开始亲自操刀为他制作专辑。第一张《within》不仅收录了不同风格的世界名曲,还包括了几首William自己创作的曲子。专辑一面市就不同凡响,很快冲到了各大排行榜的前几名,在加拿大更是占据了唱片销量榜的榜首。第二张专辑的制作更是下了功夫,大卫·福斯特亲自带William到英国录制专辑,因为英国有最好的交响乐团伴奏,专辑2008年5月一上市就在Billboard排行17。大卫·福斯特的青睐,William得以在各个重大演出场合和世界大牌明星演出,这不仅让观众和乐迷进一步了解他,同时也为他积累的丰富的舞台经验。同时,北美各大电视台、著名节目主持人纷纷为他做专题访问,这为他争取了无数在电视上演出的机会。由于他不同凡响的音乐才华和迅速走红,许多明星纷纷邀请他做北美乃至世界巡回演出的演出嘉宾,包括Josh乔许·葛洛班、麦克尔·巴布尔、Il Divo(美声男伶)、Clay Aiken等。这期间,William在北美也举办了许多非常成功的个人音乐会。
2008年,经过精心的准备,William带着自己的乐队准备开始他的首轮巡回演出,消息一传开,他的音乐会很快就在北美排到了年底,由于2008年是奥运年,来中国演出成为William计划之一,因此他特别抽出10天时间到中国演出。之后将在日本各地巡回演出。大卫·福斯特这位被誉为“音乐教父”的金牌制作人,在世界流行音乐史上占有举足轻重的地位。经他提携的大牌明星不计其数,包括席琳·狄翁、惠特尼·休斯顿、芭芭拉·史翠珊、麦当娜、迈克尔·杰克逊、披头士、布莱恩亚当斯、肯尼·吉等等。 可以说,凡是可以接触到大卫·福斯特的音乐人都是幸运者,而他们当中最幸运的就是William Joseph。
加拿大温尼伯太阳报评论William Joseph将是音乐界下一个Kenny G 和 Yanni。

01. Within
02. Eternal
03. Stella's Theme
04. Butterflies and Hurricanes
05. Ave Maria (featuring Lucia Micarelli [violin]; Nina Katova [cello])
06. Kashmir (featuring Lucia Micarelli [violin])
07. Homeward Bound
08. Piano Fantasy
09. Se Si Perde un Amore
10. Dust in the Wind (featuring Garou [vocal])
11. Grace

Flash: https://disk.kugou.com/player/0/0/0/1/default/200/301A710EBCF5DE99/list.swf