专辑类型:New Age / World
“Dudubeat”是来自亚美尼亚的一个音乐团队或者音乐计划,从CD封面标签“ DuduK:Ethno-beat of Armenia”看出这是它是致力于将传统民族乐器与现代音乐相融合的音乐类型。“Experience”专辑也的确是按照这一构想精心制作而成的:DuduK凄美的声音,融合到爵士,流行乐,新世纪,电子等现代音乐元素中,让古老的乐器焕发出新的活力,让DuduK散发出新的独特的艺术魅力。
The debut project group "Dudubeat" from St. Peteburga. Its participants, Karen Sargsyan (duduk) and Arsen Grigoryan (keyboards) brought together the love of ...
to the traditional melody of Armenia and the desire to make them more modern, fully preserving the national colors. The high performance machines, Karen and strict adherence to the classical style of playing the duduk creates precisely the deep and tender voice, which glorified the tool around the world. An excellent obramleniem sad-moving sounds of Duduk provide electronic rhythms, in combination with which he gets even more expressive ...
01. Angut ahchik 05:51
02. Lusnyak gisher 05:07
03. Dle Yaman 05:24
04. Caravan 04:30
05. Eli-Eli 05:17
06. Siretsi yars taran 04:43
07. Pnjlik-mnglik 05:07
08. Antsa gnatsi 04:57
09. Olor-molor 04:12
10. New Jazz 06:32
11. Sadness 03:57
12. East atmosphere 05:35
13. Expirience 05:16