
Gregor Theelan
Gregor Theelen was born into a family of musicians, producers and artists. At an early age he played the piano and at the age of eight he started composing. He discovered electronic music and began composing at the age of twelve, influenced by the likes of Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Mike Oldfield and Pink Floyd. Gregor Theelen played in various hardrock bands before he founded his own band when he was 19 years old.
In 1986 and 1987 Gregor studied at the Music College of Hilversum, Holland. He worked as a recording engineer and musician with several well-known artists, bands and orchestras. He composed, arranged and wrote musicals as well as pieces for string quartets. In the early 1990s, he began composing music for film and theatre.
In 1996 and 1997 Gregor Theelen produced two bestselling albums with Native American Songs & Dances which he recorded live on location, visiting various Native American tribes in the USA: Dancing Spirit (ORW 5485-2) and Dancing Spirit Vol. 2 (ORW 5557-2).
Gregor Theelen is the musician behind the Mystic Rhythms project which shows the rhythmic side of the artist.
Gregor plays the piano, the accordion and the guitar and as a composer finds inspiration in classical, ethnic and electronic music. The five-year old toddler who made his first appearance in public playing four-hand piano marches together with his father, has grown into a musical centipede and a musical globetrotter.
Gregor Theelen生于一个由音乐家、制作人和艺人组成的家庭。很小他就开始弹奏钢琴,8岁起开始作曲。他发现了电子乐后,受到Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Mike Oldfield 和 Pink Floyd等人的影响, 12岁起他开始创作电子乐曲。19岁成立自己的乐队前,他在各种重摇滚乐队里演奏。
1996年和1997年Gregor Theelen寻访了美国境内的各种印第安部落,在当地现场录制了印第安人的音乐和舞蹈,制作出了两张畅销专辑《Dancing Spirit舞魂》和《Dancing Spirit Vol. 2舞魂2》。
Gregor Theelen还是《Mystic Rhythms地心之舞》的创作人员之一,此专辑显示了他作为音乐人在节奏方面的特点。
Gregor Theelen看来正和节奏热恋着。这张专辑被宣传成为“生动的打击乐器营造出的直觉型音乐”但该音乐自身却在很大程度上以节奏为基础,以拍子和采样器为中心,而非以长旋律为中心。可这正是他最喜欢的方式,打击乐器围绕着此音乐所必然要求的节拍,铺展开来,交替更迭,达到了预定的效果,赋予这张专辑的音乐以一种不停歇的动感。尽管曲名暗示着世界音乐的不同风貌,如 "African Heartbeat非洲心跳" 或 "Raga For The Intuitive Mind寻找直觉智慧的拉格"【注:拉格是加印度音乐的一种传统调式,有一个主题,表达某方面的宗教感情】,但这些曲子与其说是世界风格的,其实更倾向于些许世界风影响下的个人特色,因为显而易见地,Theelen在踏上他一生的节奏之旅时,带上了非常多的行装。这张专辑的整体印象并非是占全专辑主导地位的某一打击乐器,而是节拍带来的心醉神迷。这张具有灵魂的专辑拥有许多正在发生的想象,他在他的音乐中寻找些什么,很明显他很快就将找到。尽管"Heaven Can Wait天堂可待"不如其他曲目那样连贯和拥有活力,但依旧给听者的身体和头脑带来一次出色的听觉体验
01. Nyatiti 肯尼亚八弦琴 05:14
02. Floating Beats 漂浮的节拍 08:54
03. From Within 发自内心 04:39
04. African Heartbeat 非洲心跳 07:35
05. Dance Of The Fishermen 渔人之舞 05:08
06. Heaven Can Wait 天堂可待 07:18
07. Raga For The Intuitive Mind 寻找直觉智慧的拉格 06:21
08. Arizona Dreams 亚利桑那之梦 05:59

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好音乐是不隐藏的!!! 大家觉得还不错的话。。。。。想回就回!!
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[ 本帖最后由 tk416 于 2009-2-13 19:48 编辑 ]