
发行日期:May 8, 2007
bjork 的新专辑,和许多新鲜的制作人合作
1. Earth Intruders (co-produced by Timbaland)
2. Wanderlust
3. Dull Flame of Desire (duet with Antony Hegarty)
4. Innocence (co-produced by Timbaland)
5. I See Who You Are (featuring Min Xiao-Fen)
6. Vertebrae by Vertebrae
7. Pneumonia
8. Hope (co-produced by Timbaland)
9. Declare Independence
10. My Juvenile (duet with Antony Hegarty)
下载:[57.11MB MP3]

[ 本帖最后由 晴天飞猪 于 2007-5-20 16:49 编辑 ] |