“卡朋特兄妹”是来自美国康涅狄格州纽黑文市的一支兄妹二重唱组合。哥哥理查德(Richard Carpenter,生于1946年10月15日,健盘手兼歌手)和妹妹卡伦(Karen Carpenter,生于1950年3月2日,歌手兼鼓手)。当时,七十年代卡朋特兄妹独树一帜,无人与之争锋。
由于以后他们兄妹熟悉的Soft Rock风格不再时髦,1978年理查德为了帮助睡眠,不幸染上了“药瘾”,为了戒瘾,进入了一家诊所接受治疗,无效,最后衰竭而死,死在梦中;卡伦则因为节食而患上了厌食症,长期服轻泻剂来保持自己苗条的身材,从而患上了神经性厌食症,在1983年不治而亡,终年31岁零七个月。
[B][url=]yesterday once more[/url] [/B]
[B][url=]close to you[/url][/B]
([B]They Long To Be) Close To You[/B]
Words & Music: Burt Bacharach & Hal David
词曲:伯特.巴卡拉克; 海尔.大卫
Arranged by Richard Carpenter 改编:理查德.卡朋特
Why do birds suddenly appear 为什么鸟儿突然出现
Every time you are near? 在你每次来到的时候
Just like me, they long to be 像我一样,它们渴望
Close to you. 靠近你
Why do stars fall down from the sky 为什么星星陨落
Every time you walk by? 在你每次走开的时候
Just like me, they long to be 像我一样,它们渴望
Close to you. 靠近你
On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天
The angels got together 天使聚在一起
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust 他们在你的金发中撒下月影
in your hair of gold And starlight in your eyes of blue.
That is why all the girls in town 为此全镇的女孩
Follow you all around. 到处围着你转
Just like me, they long to be 像我一样,她们渴望
Close to you. 靠近你
Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
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