Pianoscapes:The Best of Solitudes
激情、优雅、纯美、自然生态原音..钢琴与自然的对话...几乎没有录音室的手工造作与强添加重音元素力度....属于自然原声的魉力和生态自然环绕感觉..这类就是丹.吉布森 音乐的性格,如果你喜欢钢琴的音色,又非常热爱自然的声音,那么这张专辑真是你的最好选择。在里面有很多很多美妙的元素会吸引你,使你不能自拔。
1.Literary Walk At Dawn from Central Park
2.Cascades from Piano Cascades
3.Calm the Mind from Calm the Mind
4.The Sound of Silence from Morning Has Broken
5.Hymn to the Old Growth from Forest Piano
6.Wood Thrush from Piano Songbirds
7.Silver Days from Nurturing Rain
8.Alone But For a Friend from Rhythms of the Sea
9.Drawn to the Sea from Piano Cove
10.You Are So Beautiful from Wind Beneath My Wings
11.Claire de Lune from Piano Cascades