Drive My Car (Original Soundtrack)
– Eiko Ishibashi (石橋英子) –
Released: 2022.01.07
Listen: https://eikoishibashi.bandcamp.com/album/drive-my-car-original-soundtrack-with-bonus-tracks
中國大陸 駕駛我的車
香港 Drive My Car
臺灣 在車上
導演: 濱口竜介
主演: 西島秀俊、三浦透子、岡田將生
第74屆坎城影展 最佳劇本、費比西等4項大獎
第79屆金球獎 最佳外語片
《Drive My Car》改編自村上春樹短篇小說集《沒有女人的男人們》同名篇章,舞台劇演員兼導演家福 (西島秀俊 飾) 與妻子過著幸福美滿的生活,卻因愛妻驟逝而灰心喪志,妻子遺下的一盒卡式帶成為他思憶舊日時光的媒介。兩年後,家福遇上了寡言的女司機美沙紀 (三浦透子 飾),在盛載亡妻回憶的車上,兩個陌生人的簡短交流演變為坦率的懺悔,家福並逐漸發現妻子生前的秘密……
導演濱口龍介繼《偶然與想像》後再度超越自己的巔峰傑作,勇奪康城影展最佳劇本獎、費比西國際影評人獎及天主教人道精神獎。《上流寄生族》導演奉俊昊更盛讚「《Drive My Car》證明濱口導演達至大師級境界。」
01. Drive My Car
02. Drive My Car (Misaki)
03. Drive My Car (Cassette)
04. Drive My Car (the important thing is to work)
05. "We'll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights"
06. "We'll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights" (SAAB 900)
07. "We'll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights" (Oto)
08. Drive My Car (Kafuku)
09. Drive My Car (The truth, no matter what it is, isn't that frightening)
10. We'll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights" (And when our last hour comes we'll go quietly)
11. Drive My Car (Hiroshima)
12. We'll live through the long, long days, and through the long nights" (different ways)
Download Links
mp3/ 320kb/ 107mb
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VA5gQn7ls_g2CQay7R4pvA 提取码: d492 |