Composer: Edward Grieg
Soloist: Pierre Amoyal (violin), Frederic Chiu (piano)
Label: Harmonia Mundi HMU907256
Release: 2000
Format: FLAC (cover only)
Violin Sonata No.3 in C minor, Op.45
I. Allegro molto ed appassionato
II. Allegretto espressivo alla Romanza
III. Allegro animato
Violin Sonata No.2 in G major, Op.13
I. Lento dolorosa - Allegro vivace
II. Allegretto tranquillo
III. Allegro animato
Violin Sonata No.1 in F major, Op.8
I. Allegro con brio - Andante
II. Allegretto quasi andantino
III. Allegro molto vivace
美国钢琴家。父母是中国人,出生于纽约。大学时,他一边学习钢琴,一边学习计算机;后来到朱利亚音乐学院师从Abbey Simon学习。1985年,他获得美国钢琴家协会(前贝多芬基金会)奖学金。1993年,他在美国范·克莱本钢琴大赛的决赛中因其独具个性的钢琴演奏获得世界关注,却被淘汰出局,引起舆论一片哗然。从此,他不再参加任何国际钢琴比赛。毕业后,他移居法国,在那里生活了12年,参加各种演出,灌录了很多唱片。他的曲目包括门德尔松、罗西尼、肖邦、李斯特、格里格、勃拉姆斯、拉威尔、德科、勋伯格、舒伯特、普罗科菲耶夫、圣桑等,尤以普罗科菲耶夫的全部钢琴独奏曲为突出。他独创了一套钢琴学习的方法,先是叫“深度钢琴学习法(Deeper Piano Studies)”,后来改为“深度钢琴表演法(Deeper Performance Studies)”。裘元朴还来过中国举办大师班。
The neglect of these pieces is simply unaccountable. Along with the Brahms violin sonatas, the three of Grieg comprise the largest single contribution to this very difficult but rewarding medium by a major Romantic composer. And they are, one and all, wonderful. The turbulent C minor sonata always has been admired by chamber music lovers, but the other two are no less deserving. The F major first sonata, Op. 8, has all the freshness and enthusiasm of youth, while the dramatically concise G major work belies the myth that Grieg was uncomfortable working in large classical forms. In fact, all three works are expertly put together, and one of the great strengths of these excellent performances is their structural cogency. Frederic Chiu and Pierre Amoyal always know where the music is going. Even where they relax into the music's abundant charms, as in the first sonata's delicious Allegretto quasi Andantino, their characterful pointing of phrase and expressive urgency give the music a strong sense of direction. They bring real fire to the outer movements of the C minor sonata, and relate the tempo of the "nationalistic" Second Sonata's opening Lento doloroso logically and effortlessly to the ensuing Allegro vivace. The balance between violin and piano is also excellent, the violin not too far forward, and this permits full enjoyment of the give and take between that two soloists. No question about it, this is a major addition to the Grieg discography, and a superbly accomplished chamber music recording. Lovely.
David Hurwitz@ClassicsToday.com
格里格:C小调第3小提琴奏鸣曲,作品45 - 1. 很快且热情的快板(阿莫耶尔+裘元朴) |