John Williams在【艺伎回忆录】的电影配乐中,以极限主义与东方的五声音阶概念,融入大编制的管弦乐谱曲,并穿插三味线、日本十三弦古筝、尺八和太鼓等传统日本乐器,作为本片的主轴乐器。这四样乐器在或沉,或扬的音乐拉奏乐声之中,让人感受浓烈的情感张力,充分表现出悲欣交集、爱恨嗔痴、丰富神秘的艺伎人生。马友友所拉奏的大提琴音色则深化了东方特有的冥思与哀愁、帕尔曼演奏的小提琴则巧妙地将犹太传统的宿命感揉合成艺伎这个角色爱恨交织的人生。John Williams将壮阔浪漫的西方交响乐置于端丽典雅、清幽恬淡的东方传统宫廷音乐的乐声意境中,催化出不一样的感人氛围,可说是John Williams近十年来最佳的代表作。
1. Sayuri's Theme 1:31
2. The Journey to the Hanamachi 4:06
3. Going to School 2:42
4. Brush on Silk 2:31
5. Chiyo's Prayer 3:36
6. Becoming a Geisha 4:52
7. Finding Satu 3:44
8. The Chairman's Waltz 2:39
9. The Rooftops of the Hanamachi 3:49
10. The Garden Meeting 2:44
11. Dr. Crab's Prize 2:18
12. Destiny's Path 3:20
13. A New Name... A New Life 3:33
14. The Fire Scene and the Coming of War 6:48
15. As the Water... 2:01
16. Confluence 3:42
17. A Dream Discarded 2:00
18. Sayuri's Theme and End Credits 5:06
https://zhangmenshiting2.baidu.com/data2/music/7650525/7650525.mp3?xcode=0854993a5d684fd9a7affb684e8db4ba&mid=0.56014466359615 |