El Duce
Country of origin:United States
Location:Seattle, Washington
Formed in:1990
Genre:Heavy Metal/Punk
Lyrical themes:Shock value, Porn, Unemployment, Intoxication
Last label:Mind Boggler Records
Years active:1990-1997
Solo project of El Duce from Mentors.
1991 - The Man, The Myth, The Legend (53:15) [192 kbps]
1992 - Booze & Broads (38:30) [192 kbps]
1993 - Musical Pornography (47:34) [192 kbps]
1993 - Slave To Thy Master (27:44) [192 kbps]
1995 - Buttfucking Man (43:19) [192 kbps]
1996 - Lock Up Yer Daughters (23:14) [192 kbps]
1997 - Perverts On Parade (31:06) [320 kbps]
1997 - The Karaoke King (Sextended Version) (2CD) (2:04:24) [320 kbps]
2010 - God (32:14) [320 kbps]
2011 - El Duce's XXX-Mas (15:02) [320 kbps]
2018 - Have Scum Will Travel (40:07) [320 kbps]
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