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320K_群星_鼓动心弦]下的文件共10个 001.赤壁战鼓 war drums in red cliff - 赤壁战鼓 war drums in red cliff.mp3 002.一杯美酒 a glass of mellow wine - 一杯美酒 a glass of mellow wine .mp3 003.大地阳光 earth and sunshine - 大地阳光 earth and sunshine.mp3 004.龟兔赛跑 the hare and the tortoise - 龟兔赛跑 the hare and the tortoise.mp3 005.道拉基 balloon flower - 道拉基 balloon flower.mp3 006.戈壁骑兵 cavalry in desert - 戈壁骑兵 cavalry in desert.mp3 007.古刹南无 ksana namas - 古刹南无 ksana namas.mp3 008.褐色的骏马 brown courser - 褐色的骏马 brown courser.mp3 009.五彩云霞 gorgeous rosy clouds - 五彩云霞 gorgeous rosy clouds.mp3 010.唱游无垠 sing for boundless traveling - 唱游无垠 sing for boundless traveling.mp3 |