专辑名称:奇异博士 Doctor Strange
艺术家:Michael Giacchino
奇异博士名叫Steven Strange,斯坦·李和Steve Ditko于1963年共同创造了这个角色。他曾是一名出色的外科手术专家。之后远赴东方机缘巧合成为了一名神秘魔术大师(Master of the Mystic Arts),之后接任成为 至尊法师(Sorcerer Supreme),保护地球不被魔法和神秘力量侵袭。
01. Ancient Sorcerer's Secret
02. The Hands Dealt
03. A Long Strange Trip
04. The Eyes Have It
05. Mystery Training
06. Reading Is Fundamental
07. Inside the Mirror Dimension
08. The True Purpose of the Sorcerer
09. Sanctimonious Sanctum Sacking
10. Astral Doom
11. Post Op Paracosm
12. Hippocratic Hypocrite
13. Smote and Mirrors
14. Ancient History
15. Hong Kong Kablooey
16. Astral Worlds Worst Killer
17. Strange Days Ahead
18. Go for Baroque
19. The Master of the Mystic End Credits