1996年Barbra Streisand 把1958年一部同名法国电影改编成温馨、浪漫、却又充满机智对白的作品《The Mirror Has Two Faces 》(越爱越美丽)。史翠珊一手包办了制作、导演、女主角以及插曲的谱写。《I Finally Found Someone》是这部电影最为脍炙人口的名曲。由布莱恩亚当斯与她合唱,在1996年十一月推出,不但得到全美第八名、成为金唱片,还获得该年度奥斯卡的“最佳电影歌曲”提名。大部份电影中的主题曲,就是有歌唱的,通常都不是为电影所写的,唱片公司搭配在片尾字幕时播放的,所以跟电影内容都没什么关系。不过,这部电影中的曲子不一样,因为这是芭芭拉史翠珊的电影,要求完美的她,怎么可能同意放一些不相干的曲子进来?所以,重新为电影量身打造了这首《I finally found someone》。里头的歌词,就像在描写两人的关系一般,而且不只是歌词写的好,曲子本身也是很好的一首曲子。芭芭拉史翠珊跟布莱恩亚当斯的对唱,真的有那种终于找到“right one”的那种高兴与感激之情。因为在这么多的人当中,Greg终于找到Rose,即使因为错误而失去一次,却及时省悟,这又是男主角的另一件幸运事。就像歌词中的:「I finally found someone, someone to share my life。」因为认识你,生命有了新的开始。
I finally found someone
Who knocks me off my feet
I finally found the one
Who makes me feel complete
It started over coffee
We started off as friends
It's funny how from simple things
The best things begin
This time it's different,
It's all because of you
It's better than it's ever been
Cause we can talk it through
My favorite line was
'Can I call you sometime'
Its all u had to say
To take my breath away
This is it
Oh I finally found someone
Someone to share my life
I finally found the one
to be with every night
Cuz whatever I do
It's just got to be you
My life has just begun
I finally found someone
Oooh someone
I finally found somone
Did I keep u waiting? (I didnt mind)
I apologize (baby that's fine)
I will wait forever
Just to know you were mine
(Ooh) You know I love your hair
( Sure it looks right?)
I love what you wear
(Isn't it too tight?)
You're exceptional
I can't wait for the rest of my life
This is it
Oh I finally found someone
Someone to share my life
I finally found the one
To be with every night
Cuz whatever I do
It's just got to be you
Ohh my life has just begun
I've finally found someone
And whatever I do
It's just got to be you
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