专辑名称: Koyasan:Reiki Sound Healing 艺 术 家: Deuter 音乐流派: New Age 发行公司: New Earth Records 发行日期: February 13, 2007 [img]

[/img]专辑介绍: Amazon.com:★★★★★ 冥想音乐大师Deuter2007最新作品,音乐中揉和了中国、日本等国音乐元素,大量运用了二胡、笛、萧等民族乐器,让人无限遐思。 专辑名中的“Koyasan 高野山”取自日本关西地区的 Koyasan 高野山 名字,是一著名的佛教旅游胜地,专辑封面上的山野景色也就来自于此;而“Reiki”是一个日文音译词,意思是“灵气”,源自日本的臼井甕男博士所发现的一种通过获取宇宙能量进行辅助治疗的养身方法。整张专辑是 Deuter 一贯最为拿手的冥想、治愈风格,并且加入了佛教音乐元素,与西尔德斯神话介绍过的同类音乐相比,有其独具一格的特色。《Koyasan: Reiki Sound Healing 高野山:灵音愈疗》里总共8支乐曲,节奏都很缓慢,曲调的转折也非常柔和平滑,没有丝毫突兀。所有音乐都没有明显的节拍,非常适合作为静养、SPA或按摩时的背景音乐。欣赏这样高水准的冥想音乐,听者的内心和精神想不平静都难。(以上原创,转载请注明出处——西尔德斯神话) 【Koyasan 高野山】简介 Koyasan 高野山 位于日本的关西地区,在大阪的南面,是日本佛教徒心中的圣地。此地从前是女人禁地,所有女性均须在此止步,为此在山前还专门修建了一座“女人堂”,古时所有女性信徒只准在此遥礼高野。直到十九世纪才由当时的天皇解禁。在山脚下的小镇附近散布了约二十多所小寺庙,各有其历史渊源和特色。 Koyasan 高野山 并不大,其作为佛教旅游胜地的主要景点有:Okunoin 奥之院:弘法大师肉身所在,在灯笼庙后的小房子内,所有人都只能在外面上香礼拜,据说感应很强;奥之院外的坟场:超过一公里长,埋了很多日本的古今历史名人将相,如织田信长等,令人感触的是,日本古时权震全国的大人物到死时也只能希望可以凭近着弘法大师一点儿以求救度而已,是念无常的好地方;金刚峰寺:现为日本真言宗总部,可参观;坛上伽蓝:古时高野山的中心,有两塔和供著不同尊的院子,但大多因为是古物而不能进内;灵宝馆(博物馆):存放了不少珍贵的法宝;南院:供奉了有名的浪切不动尊。 Deuter has released a new CD, Koyasan: Reiki Sound Healing,offering us with yet another work of musical genius.Koyosan is on of Japan most sacred mountains with over 100 temples and shrines.or Me, Reiki is very similar to the process of creating music, surrendering to something greater, letting go and allowing the music, the energy to flow,?says Deuter.His unique blend of shakuhachi and koto flutes and keyboards will lift your body, mind and spirit to higher levels of awareness.After a near-fatal car crash in his early 20, Deuter decides to pursue a musical career.His vast knowledge and mastery of various instruments ?Tibetan singing bowls, santoor, bhuzuki, sitar, piano, keyboard, shakuhachi flute, and others has enabled him to create unique compositions and over 60 albums to date.He continues to be the leader in healing music field.After listening to his new CD, you will understand why. -- Christine Lynn Harvey New Age Retailer Koyasan, a sacred mountain in Japan whose eight points are believed to represent the eight petals of the lotus, is home to over 100 Buddhist temples and shrines. It also serves as inspiration for this sacred album of Reiki Sound Healing.Created by serene New Age master (and Reiki practitioner) Deuter, the album was recorded on shakuhachi, koto, flutes, and electronic keyboards in, near Deuter home in the nearby mountains. I have already praised so many of Deuter albums that someone unfamiliar with his music might think in his employ. Rather, I find myself grateful for the elevation I experience when I play his music. Spiritual music takes many forms, from the Gregorian chants of the Middle Ages to African drumming and Tibetan throat singing. Among New Age musicians, Deuter continually affirms his role as a supreme channel for spiritual energies by unfailingly creating expansive and healing music. -- Jason Victor Serinus 专辑曲目: 1. Kindred Spirit 8:18 2. Hands Of Love 4:32 3. Le Velour, Le Satin Et La Soie 8:34 4. Lovesong From The Montains 7:57 5. Sound Of Invisible Waters 9:32 6. Language Of Silence 10:11 7. Vollmond Im Herbst 5:42 8. Escape From Gravity..........[ 本帖最后由 kuang2233 于 2009-3-13 13:03 编辑 ] |