艺术家: Deep Forest
专辑名称: La Sélection (Limited Edition Box-Set)
发行年代: 2014
唱片公司: Sony Music
音乐风格: Downtempo, New Age, Dub
音乐格式: FLAC (*.flac)
音乐品质: lossless
专辑时间: CD1: 52:44 CD2: 56:57 CD3: 61:14
容量大小: 1.16 Gb
黑森林(Deep Forest)是由来自比利时布鲁塞尔的Dan Lacksman(曾为Thomas Dolby、Sparks及YMO制作专辑而名噪一时)担纲制作,结合了二位法国音乐家 Michel Sanchez和Eric Mouquet在联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific, And Cultural Organization简称UNESCO)的全力支持下,深入非洲中部雨林区,以简易的器材录下麦喀隆、蒲隆地及塞内加尔之各矮人部族的歌谣,经过他们的巧思重新编曲,配上时下盛行的欧式舞曲节奏,以崭新的风貌推向国际。
Deep Forest透过揣摩想象将视觉的意象予以节奏化,用旋律为天地万物的情感取得和谐共鸣,所有难以言语的感觉瞬间舞动人类心灵,Eric Mouquet、Michel Sanchez两位团员足迹遍布加勒比海、古巴、墨西哥、贝里斯、马达加斯加,音乐行囊包裹着矮人族、游牧民族、非洲、东欧的乐音,在延伸人类眼界之余,也企盼能缩短存在于世代与民族之间的鸿沟。
Deep Forest 92年初以首张同名专辑中的梦幻雅致旋律单曲Sweet Lullaby进驻英国金榜TOP 10;95年专辑《Bohème》一首Marta's Song更将台湾兰屿雅美族原始部落歌声引荐到全世界,此段音乐也被劳勃阿特曼执导的电影《Ready To Wear》当作模特儿走台步的曼妙主题曲;98年作品《Comparsa》Deep Forest转而沉浸在欢愉的嘉年华气氛;99年现场特辑《Made In Japan》后;2002年度大碟《Music Detected》以亚洲民族戏曲为主轴展开摇滚、迷幻色彩的部落寻根之旅,以SWATCH广告曲Snow In Sahara走红全球的女歌手Anggun平和与哀伤情感浓度适宜的歌声为Deep Blue Sea泛起无边的希望,并找来谱出道而现今目前横扫日本及台湾的“岛国歌姬”元千岁登上国际乐坛演唱首波主打单曲Will You Be Ready。(源自网络)
CD 1:
1-01. Deep Forest - Sweet Lullaby (Live) (6:22)
1-02. Deep Forest - Bohemian Ballet (5:17)
1-03. Deep Forest - Twosome (Marta & Katalin Version) (4:08)
1-04. Deep Forest - Forest Power (3:50)
1-05. Deep Forest - Dignity (5:23)
1-06. Deep Forest - 1716 (1:05)
1-07. Deep Forest - Gathering (4:40)
1-08. Deep Forest - Radio Belize (4:00)
1-09. Deep Forest - Soul Elevator (4:13)
1-10. Deep Forest - Bulgarian Melody (3:10)
1-11. Deep Forest - Madazulu (3:25)
1-12. Deep Forest - Tres Marias (4:55)
1-13. Deep Forest - Far East (1:01)
1-14. Deep Forest - Deep Folk Song (1:15)
CD 2:
2-01. Deep Forest - Marta's Song (4:15)
2-02. Deep Forest - Freedom Cry (3:19)
2-03. Deep Forest - Lament (3:11)
2-04. Deep Forest - India (4:09)
2-05. Deep Forest - Forest Hymn (Live) (5:24)
2-06. Deep Forest - Noonday Sun (5:01)
2-07. Deep Forest - Endangered Species (6:19)
2-08. Deep Forest - Earthquake (Transition 1) (0:50)
2-09. Deep Forest - Computer Machine (5:12)
2-10. Deep Forest - Boheme (4:38)
2-11. Deep Forest - Green And Blue (4:55)
2-12. Deep Forest - Will You Be Ready (5:19)
2-13. Deep Forest - Beauty In Your Eyes (4:23)
CD 3:
3-01. Deep Forest - Anasthasia (1:51)
3-02. Deep Forest - Yuki Song (5:24)
3-03. Deep Forest - Ekue Ekue (5:22)
3-04. Deep Forest - Hunting (Live) (6:40)
3-05. Deep Forest - Cafe Europa (4:19)
3-06. Deep Forest - Elemental (5:26)
3-07. Deep Forest - Media Luna (4:34)
3-08. Deep Forest - While The Earth Sleeps (Long Version) (6:24)
3-09. Deep Forest - In The Evening (1:38)
3-10. Deep Forest - La Lune Se Bat Avec Les Etoiles (2:29)
3-11. Deep Forest - Deep Blue Sea (4:19)
3-12. Deep Forest - Comparsa (5:00)
3-13. Deep Forest - Katharina (2:55)
3-14. Deep Forest - Deep Weather (4:54)
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