《The Mass》传承了Eric Levi自首张专辑《Era》起便汲汲经营的
后而产生简洁有力的音乐风格。为了超越经典,Eric Levi更撷取
德国知名音乐家Carl Orff最受盛赞的作品《Carmina Burana/布兰
诗歌》,为首发同名单曲 The Mass 的骨干;新辑中还收录了
Looking For Something Don ' t You Forget about Me 、
以及曾被韩国首席女高音Sumi Jo/曹秀美选录,并在汉城世界杯
足球赛开幕典礼上献唱的 The Champions 等精采曲目,尽管如
此,《The Mass》的磅礴气势和听觉场景,仍被视为Eric Levi这位
曾为摇滚乐团Shakin Street吉他手的跨界新星,树立新世纪音乐
乐火花的《The Mass》,给人无限的想像空间:时而如摩西开海
的壮阔,时而又像沙漠中拖动巨石的孤寂。对Eric Levi来说,音乐
歌詞:The Mass
semper crescis aut descrescis
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat et unc curat ludomentis aciem
nunc obdurat et unc curat ludomentis aciem
agestatem potestatem dissolvit ut glaciem
Divano divano re divano resi
Divano resido divano resia
Divano divano re divano resido
Divano resia
Sors salutis et virtutis michi nun contraria
est affectus et defectus semper in angaria
Hoc in hora sinc mora corde pulsum tangite
Divano divano re divano resi
Divano resido divano resia
Divano divano re divano resido
Divano resia resia resia resia resia
Divano divano re divano resido
Divano resia resia resia resia resia
Sors salutis et virtutis michi nun contraria
est affectus et defectus semper in angaria
Hoc in hora sinc mora corde pulsum tangite
Divano divano re divano resi
Divano resido divano resia
Divano divano re divano resido
Divano resia
Hoc in hora sinc mora corde pulsum tangite
quod per sortem sternt fortem mecum omnes plangite!! 如果无法播放,请点击此处在新窗口打开
2.Holy Virgin - Groove Coverage
I'm a little veined
you trick me like a babe
after we where waiting
for someone like you
Can you show my passion
And you where obsession
I would satisfaction
all of the time
If you wanna taste me
try my paradise
drop and phlegm up
my deire
You can please me,taste me
take me to the sky
People we can be like fire
I am your holy virgin
we drums out all of the time
I am your holy virgin
I blow up your mind
I am your holy virgin
and if you touch me right
I'l be your nasty virgin
I can take you places
Show you all my faces
Now i don't wrap the bases
we gone to thider
Do you wanna hold me
when i feel lonely
Slowly you can show me
Angel of mind
If you wanna taste me
try my paradise
drop and phlegm up
my deire
You can please me,taste me
take me to the sky
People we can be like fire
I am your holy virgin
we drums out all of the time
I am your holy virgin
I blow up your mind
I am your holy virgin
and if you touch me right
I'l be your nasty virgin
Northern kind i falls
haven't just calls
open up your eyes
for someone like me
i am on my way
leaving today
i'm a golden ride
To the other side
If you wanna taste me
try my paradise
drop and phlegm up
my deire
You can please me,taste me
take me to the sky
People we can be like fire
(like fire)
I am your holy virgin
we drums out all of the time
I am your holy virgin
I blow up your mind
I am your holy virgin
and if you touch me right
I'l be your nasty virgin
(blow up your mind)
I blow up my mind
I am your holy virgin
we drums out all of the time
I am your holy virgin
we drums out all of the time
I am your holy virgin
we drums out all of the time
I am your holy virgin 如果无法播放,请点击此处在新窗口打开
3.The Walk- 陈科妤
子良(李威饰)和宇文(TAE 饰)在前世都是西藏武僧,负责在「玛旁雍错湖」边看守莲华生大师遗留於人间的宝物「舍利子」,岂料、遇上了来盗取宝物好解救父母生命的卓玛(洪小铃饰),一阵打斗後,卓玛身负重伤、奄奄一息,两人不忍取她性命,反为卓玛治病,於是三人之间的情感纠葛、错综复杂,他们体验到了最磨人的爱恨得失,最後导致两人失职,於是「舍利子」从此散落世界各地,因愧失职守,子良跟宇文走入湖心,而这段三角恋情最後尽也成了遗憾… 生死流转,当三人再度转世之後,子良(李威饰)身边已有个在一起八年的女朋友以珍(林立雯饰),两人不知为何被『恐怖的地狱之门』所缠上,而亚薇(洪小铃饰)甚至因此被唤醒前世记忆,但因为她与以珍已成了好朋友,所以亚薇不忍伤害以珍,一度想放弃子良,但两人前世刻骨铭心的爱情却让两人无法轻易割舍对彼此的眷恋,终究还是让以珍察觉出两人的暧昧异状… 以珍在宇文一番解释後,知道了事情的来龙去脉,她痛苦矛盾,既无法责备子良的背叛,又无法释怀亚薇的刻意隐瞒,在忐忑不安、且三个人都痛苦的情绪中,子良终於下定决心娶以珍,只是一番折腾後,婚礼前夕、子良还是开口表示他无法跟以珍在一起,以珍崩溃……她抓住子良的手问子良,难道她八年的爱情真比不上那三百年前的惊鸿一瞥? 因果轮回支配著他们的爱恨纠葛,而这场前世今生的爱恨情仇,令人屏息以待……
I went inside. I was not myself.
我走了进去 我身不由己
I was frozen inside an alien form.
我在这个世界之外 结成了冰
You stand aside. Your hand on my shoulder.
你站在旁边 手放在我肩上
But the smoke makes a veil between us.
但是烟雾聚成了一层幕 阻在你我之间
I walk the walk alone no matter whether people know at all.
我独自向前走 不管其他人知不知道
I walk the walk alone to keep my sanity.
我独自向前走 让自己保持清醒
You know the when I walk the walk alone.
I go where no one else can go
I watch you cry for me; you see but I don`t see.
我看见你为我哭泣 但你明了的我不明了
Because you walk the walk alone.
Thank you for loving me.
Drowning within. Go on, I`m listening.
沉溺其中 一路走来 我在收寻
Music to tear you to pieces. You close your eyes.
音乐让人心碎 你闭上眼睛
You cry as you`re playing. But I sense nothing.
你哭喊着努力 而我已麻木
So reason on this.
I Walk the walk alone no matter whether people know at all
我独自向前走 不管别人知不知道
I walk the walk alone to keep my sanity.
我独自向前走 让自己保持清醒
You know that when I walk the walk alone.
I go where no one else can go.
I watch you cry for me; you see but I don`t see.
我看见你为我哭泣 但你明了的我不明了
Because you walk the walk alone.
Thank you for loving me...
谢谢你一直爱着我…… 如果无法播放,请点击此处在新窗口打开