
Frank Steiner, Jr
I Ching Symphony
February 24, 1998
Real Music

This unique creation brings alive the imagery of the 5,000 year oldoracle, the I Ching or Book of Changes. These eight sensitive andsometimes dynamic pieces, corresponding to the eight building blocks ofthe I Ching, encompass a multitude of compositional ingredients,evoking a full range of musical and physical emotion - from calm andsoothing to uplifting and invigorating, from passive surrender to alertempowerment. They have the effect of an enchanting and inspiringjourney through nature, leaving the listener refreshed and, somehow,wiser.

1. Ch'ien (Heaven)2. K'un (Earth)3. Chen (Thunder)4. Sun (Wind)5. Li (Fire)6. K'an (Water)7. Tui (Lake)8. Ken (Mountain)

9M分卷, md5 = D6F6F0E45D8D5F0555D7546CBC52D80C
bitrate = 741
bitspersample = 16
channels = 2
codec = Monkey's Audio
codec_profile = High

[ 本帖最后由 vicysunnie 于 2008-11-4 17:03 编辑 ] |