となりのトトロ サウンドトラック集
1. "Stroll (The Opening Theme Song)" (さんぽ, Sanpo) (Azumi Inoue)
2. "The Village in May" (五月の村, Gogatsu no Mura)
3. "A Haunted House!" (オバケやしき!, Obakeyashiki!)
4. "Mei and the Traveling Soot" (メイとすすわたり, Mei to Susuwatari)
5. "Evening Wind" (夕暮れの風, Yugure no Kaze)
6. "Not Scared" (こわくない, Kowakunai)
7. "Let's Go to the Hospital" (おみまいにいこう, Omimai ni Ikō)
8. "Mother" (おかあさん, Okaasan) (Inoue)
9. "A Little Monster" (小さなオバケ, Chiisana Obake)
10. "Totoro" (トトロ, Totoro)
11. "The Huge Tree in the Tsukamori Forest" (塚森の大樹, Tsukamori no Taiju)
12. "A Lost Child" (まいご, Maigo) (Inoue)
13. "The Path of Wind (Instrumental)" (風のとおり道, Kaze no Torimichi)
14. "A Drenched Monster" (ずぶぬれオバケ, Zubunure Obake)
15. "Moonlight Flight" (月夜の飛行, Tsukiyo no Hikō)
16. "Mei is Missing" (メイがいない, Mei ga Inai)
17. "Catbus" (ねこバス, Nekobasu)
18. "I'm So Glad" (よかったね, Yokattane)
19. "My Neighbor Totoro (The Ending Song)" (となりのトトロ, Tonari no Totoro)
20. "Stroll" (さんぽ(合唱つき), Sanpo) (Inoue and Suginami Children's Choir)
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