专辑名称:Strings Of The Soul
艺 术 家:Soul Ballet
音乐风格:New Age ,Instrumental
电子音乐不仅是对传统音乐颠覆也是现代音乐的领军者。Smooth Jazz 同样也是现代音乐领域里的时尚代表,所以这二者是很容易一拍即合的。Soul Ballet 和 The Jazzmasters 一样是 Smooth Jazz 领域中很有名气的 project,后者是来自英国伦敦的音乐绅士 Paul Hardcastle 的看家宝,而后者则是年轻的音乐奇才 Rick Kelly 的独门绝技。在若干年里,Rick Kelly 成功地把 Soul Ballet 推向全美的 Smooth Jazz 电台网。
Soul Ballet is a musical project of actor, producer, arranger, programmer, and multi-instrumentalist Rick "R.K." Kelly. Soul Ballet's music is smooth contemporary jazz, characterized as pulsating electronic beats entwined with a dark, moody atmosphere.
Soul Ballet currently releases music through the indie label 215 Music and Media.
01. N.Y.C. Tripin
02. Man & Woman
03. Boom Boom Room
04. Strawberry Girl
05. Juguar Drum Bar
06. Touch Push Kiss Lie
07. Shee Feels It
08. Vibe Cinema
09. Her Joyride
10. The Night Fantastic
11. Sol Negro
12. Sashay