专辑名:Grand Piano - Narada Anniversary Collection
歌手:Various Artists / Michael Jones / David Lanz / Wayne Gratz
资源格式:iTunes Plus AAC
风格:New Age
出版者: Narada
美国乐评权威All Music Guide、滚石杂誌在20世纪末评选Windham Hill, Narada及Pure & Simple为美国当代影响最深的三大新世纪音乐厂牌。Narada的作品及录音也都深具水準,这些亮丽的成绩单不但让Narada有持续下去的原动力,更让Narada在新世纪的开始就打下了坚实的基础。
Released 1997
Genre Instrumental,Adult contemporary (soft),Easy listening,New Age
Label Narada
"The piano exists apart from the performer. You must coax it to be a partner, and some pianos can be resistant. But there are many ways to touch a piano - and if the player invests the time, effort, and the will to love, the response of the instrument is absolutely enormous." — Kostia
"I sense that the instrument is alive - that when I listen closely for nuance and tone, the inanimate world of strings, wood, pins, and steel comes to life. When I honor the piano's vitality and complexity, I can't tell whether I am playing the piano or it is playing me." — Michael Jones
"The piano is a divinely inspired instrument, a mirror held up to its player's soul that captures the light and shadow of the performer and reflects them back to the listener." — David Lanz
"The piano has been my diary. I have gone to it to document my life experiences - whether deeply personal events or to simply record a memory in the snow, or the light on the land. It is the heartbeat of every piece I have every written." — Michael Gettel
"I have been playing piano since my childhood - and to this day I am still fascinated by the creative journeys it takes me on. Somehow I am sure the piano will remain a constant in my life." — Wayne Gratz
"The piano is always true to me. In times of despair, happiness, and joy, its mood is always my own." — Bradley Joseph
Disc: I
01. Prelude: First Snow - Michael Gettel
02. Summer Child - David Lanz
03. Portraits - Spencer Brewer
04. Song For Eia - Michael Jones
05. Gift of the Sea, A - Wayne Gratz
06. Gentle Earth and Sky - Michael Gettel
07. Heartsounds - David Lanz
08. For You - Kostia
09. Cinderella - Spencer Brewer
10. Teacher, The - Brian Mann
11. Farewell - Kostia
Disc: II
01. Mexican Memories - Michael Jones
02. Long Way From Home - David Arkenstone
03. Courage of the Wind - David Lanz
04. Blue Ridge Part 2 - Wayne Gratz
05. Soliloquy - Michael Whalen
06. Last Roundup, The - Richard Souther
07. Aspen Summer - Michael Jones
08. Sacred Dance - Ira Jones
09. Stray - Bradley Joseph
10. Spirit - Brian Mann
11. Shape of Her Face, The - Michael Whalen
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