《超时空之轮》是SQUARE ENIX于1995年3月12日在SFC上所发售的角色扮演游戏。由当时业界知名的坂口博信、堀井雄二、鸟山明、光田康典、植松伸夫等人联合打造,游戏不论剧情、画面还是音乐,都达到了当时的巅峰。2008年《超时空之轮》重制版在NDS登场,受到广泛好评。
看到专辑盒背面的square soft心情还挺复杂的
可惜sqaure变成了square enix
Chrono Trigger (Original Soundtrack) [DS Version]
クロノ・トリガー オリジナル・サウンドトラッ
Disc 1
1 A Premonition
2 Chrono Trigger
3 Morning Glow
4 Peaceful Days
5 Green Memories
6 Guardia's Millennial Fair
7 Gato's Song
8 Strange Occurrences
9 Yearnings of the Wind
10 Good Night
11 Secret of the Forest
12 Battle
13 Guardia Castle ~Pride & Glory~
14 Huh!?
15 The Cathedral
16 A Prayer for the Wayfarer
17 Light of Silence
18 Boss Battle 1
19 Frog's Theme
20 Fanfare 1
21 The Trial
22 The Hidden Truth
23 Critical Moment
24 Crono & Marle ~A Distant Promise~ (Arrange Version 1)
25 Chrono Trigger (Arrange Version 1)
26 Ayla's Theme (Arrange Version)
27 Frog's Theme (Arrange Version)
Disc 2
1 A Desolate World
2 Mystery from the Past
3 Site 16
4 Those Without the Will to Live
5 Lavos's Theme
6 The Last Day of the World
7 Johnny of the Robo Gang
8 Bike Chase
9 Robo's Theme
10 Derelict Factory
12 Fanfare 2
13 At the End of Time
14 Jolly Ol' Spekkio
15 Fanfare 3
16 Creeping through the Sewers
17 Boss Battle 2
18 Primeval Mountain
19 Ayla's Theme
20 Rhythm of Earth, Wind, and Sky
21 Burn! Bobonga!
22 The Fiendlord's Keep
23 Strains of Insanity
24 Magus Confronted
25 Chrono Trigger (Arrange Version 2)
26 Chrono Trigger (Arrange Version 3)
27 Schala's Theme (Arrange Version)
Disc 3
1 Singing Mountain (UNRELEASED TRACK)
2 Tyranno Lair
3 Depths of the Night
4 Corridors of Time
5 Zeal Palace
6 Schala's Theme
7 Sealed Door
8 Ocean Palace
9 Crono & Marle ~A Distant Promise~
10 The Epoch ~Wings of Time~
11 Black Omen
12 Determination
13 World Revolution
14 The Final Battle
15 Festival of Stars
16 Epilogue ~To My Dear Friends~
17 Outskirts of Time
18 Ending - Burn! Bobonga!~Frog's Theme~Outskirts of Time (Arrange Version)
19 Crono & Marle ~A Distant Promise~ (Arrange Version 2)
20 One Sunny Day When We Met
21 Scattering Blossoms
22 A Meeting with Destiny
23 Time to Rest ~After the Battle~
24 Extras Mode ~Frog's Theme Intro Plus~
Disc 4
1 Chrono Trigger ~Orchestra Version~
2 Chrono Trigger Medley ~Orchestra Version~
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