01. 只盼着深山出太阳(二胡) We Long for the Time when the Sun Shines over these Mountains [0:04:51.25]
02. 管教山河换新装(唢呐) Bring the Land a New Life [0:02:39.00]
03. 誓把反动派一扫光(京胡) We will Wipe Out the Reactionaries [0:06:16.00]
04. 把剥削根子全拔掉(笛子) Destroying the Root of Evil [0:03:18.00]
05. 共产党员(唢呐) The Communist [0:01:56.00]
06. 迎来春色换人间(唢呐) Welcome in Spring to Change the World of Men [0:05:53.00]
07. 提起栾平(京胡) Mentioning Luan Ping [0:04:21.00]
08. 甘洒热血写春秋(唢呐) Willing to Shed Hot Blood to Make History [0:00:56.00]
09. 这些兵急人难(笛子) These Soldiers are Quick - Men are Difficult [0:04:22.00]
10. 我们是工农子弟兵(二胡) We are Worker and Peasant Soldiers [0:01:23.00]
11. 自己的队伍来到面前(二胡) Here Before Us Our Army [0:03:13.00]
12. 胸有朝阳(唢呐) I Have the Morning Sun in My Heart [0:07:47.00]
13. 坚决要求上战场(唢呐) My Resolve is to Fight on the Battlefield [0:02:57.00]
14. 心潮难平(二胡) The Tide in My Heart Cannot be Calmed [0:01:29.00]
15. 除夕夜(京胡) New Year Eve [0:01:44.45]