好了好了,直接洗牌吧。对不起这地地道道史诗音乐。魔戒三部曲原创配乐Howard Shore再次联手Peter Jackson,打造《霍比特人:意外之旅》的华丽音乐旅程。
此次直接发布的2CD特别版,总长较普通版增加了约30分钟和4首Bonus Track(CD2最后4首),标注Extended Version的即为加长版曲目。MP3音质,附送FLAC无损资源洗牌连接。外网不给力,就先不拖了,见谅。
Disc 1:
1. My Dear Frodo (8:03)
2. Old Friends (Extended Version) (5:00)
3. An Unexpected Party (Extended Version) (4:10)
4. Blunt the Knives (1:02)
5. Axe or Sword? (5:59)
6. Misty Mountains (1:42)
7. The Adventure Begins (2:06)
8. The World Is Ahead (2:22)
9. An Ancient Enemy (4:59)
10. Radagast the Brown (Extended Version) (6:39)
11. The Trollshaws (2:09)
12. Roast Mutton (Extended Version) (4:58)
13. A Troll-Hoard (2:39)
14. The Hill of Sorcery (3:51)
15. Warg-Scouts (3:06)
Disc 2:
1. The Hidden Valley (3:49)
2. Moon Runes (Extended Version) (3:38)
3. The Defiler (1:15)
4. The White Council (Extended Version) (9:42)
5. Over Hill (3:43)
6. A Thunder Battle (3:56)
7. Under Hill (1:55)
8. Riddles in the Dark (5:23)
9. Brass Buttons (7:38)
10. Out of the Frying-Pan (5:55)
11. A Good Omen (5:47)
12. Song of the Lonely Mountain (Extended Version) (6:03)
13. Dreaming of Bag End (1:50)
14. A Very Respectable Hobbit (1:28)
15. Erebor (1:19)
16. The Dwarf Lords (2:01)
17. The Edge of the Wild (3:38)
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