资源标题:No.13 德国回潮激流:Dust Bolt (2CD+1EP) 2010-2014 320/Flac/百度
>【乐队】Dust Bolt
【】Chaos Possession [EP] (320) / Violent Demolition / Awake The Riot
【风格】Thrash Metal
【发行】2010 / 2012 / 2014
>Violent Demolition
>1Opulence Contaminated4:25
2Violent Abolition>3:31
3March Thru Pain>5:16
4Shattered By Reality>3:46
5Toxic Attack>5:01
6Into Madness>3:55
7(When Thy Shall Come) Oblivion>5:36
8Pleasure On Illusion>4:38
>Awake The Riot
>1Living Hell
2Soul Erazor
3Beneath The Earth
4You Lost Sight
5Agent Thrash
6Living A Lie
7Awake The Riot - The Final War
8Eternal Waste
9Drowned In Blind Faith
10Worlds Built To Deceive
11Distant Scream (The Monotonous)
12Future Shock
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