>把“Tristan and Isolde”译作《王者之心》而非《特里斯坦和伊索尔德》,就如同将“Romeo and Juliet”译作《不得之爱》而非《罗密欧与朱丽叶》一样,不仅荒唐透顶,而且手法拙劣,怪不得之前网上爆出了编剧不满中文译名的小道消息。按道理,这应该是件蛮丢脸的事情,代表的仍然是中国电影内外交困的尴尬——院线不能不对《特里斯坦和伊索尔德》这个名字是否具有足够的挑逗性报以怀疑态度——索性电影还是好看的,值得买票入场。
01. Young Tristan (03:03)
02. The Irish Raid (03:01)
03. The Queen's Funeral (01:59)
04. A Different Land (01:21)
05. A King's Lament (01:48)
06. Isolde's Dream (02:49)
07. Two Loves Be One (01:07)
08. Ambush in the Forest (02:16)
09. A King's Service (02:31)
10. Love So Alike (01:35)
11. Dangerous Game (02:12)
12. Warriors Begin (01:27)
13. Wedding Cortege (02:08)
14. Leaving Forever (01:50)
15. Back From the Dead (02:54)
16. My Face in Thine Eye (02:10)
17. The Tournament (02:21)
18. Betrayal (01:36)
19. I Dream of You (01:46)
20. Living Without Love (02:46)
21. The Drawbridge is Lowered (01:54)
22. Secrets in the Woods (03:16)
23. Tristan's Final Stand (01:52)
24. None Can Die (03:22)