资源标题:爵士钢琴大师:Eddie Higgins《29专辑》1957-2008/多格式无损/BD
Eddie Higgins爱德华·海登·希金斯1932年2月21日在美国马萨诸塞州的剑桥降生。童年一直由他的母亲教育他。大学时,希金斯在芝加哥的夜总会里演奏钢琴。有时他领导他自己的三重奏组合,但是他有时也和包括艾尔·格雷,科尔曼·霍金斯,弗雷迪·哈伯德等在内的知名艺术家合作演出。虽然他的曲目有折衷的感觉,但是希金斯的风格承载着跳舞乐队时代一些艺术家的明显痕迹。他善于独奏也善于伴奏,他常常与他的歌手妻子梅雷迪思·丹布罗西奥合作演出。
如果你仔细听完这张专辑,会发现这的确是一张充满乐趣的作品。在《MinorSwing》中則有钢琴与贝斯的出色对话,听来新鮮有趣。纽约Avatar Studio的录音效果的确杰出,无怪乎许多艺人都指名要在此进行录音。标题曲中间有几段JayLeonhart的贝斯独奏,在演奏的时候你可以清楚地听到他口中喃喃着的旋律,音响效果实在好到沒话说!当然,这与Venus的唱片都经过他们家的24bitHyper Magnum Sound处理有着很大的关系。
身为Venus Records旗下最受欢迎的大将,Eddie Higgins与Jay Leonhart(贝斯)、JoeAscione(鼓)合作的三重奏已经推出过不少经典专辑。虽然从Bop演奏起家,EddieHiggins三重奏的作品却绝对不会有难以消化的味道,而Eddie Higgins尊重旋律进行的演奏方式,可以让你清楚地回想起歌曲熟悉的旋律。Eddie Higgins对于慢板歌曲的处理的确有一手,在钢琴轻声演奏的同时还能夠顾及音色的圆润及节奏的准确拿捏,听来让人沉醉。
洁白无暇如月光的Eddie Higgins三重奏恰到好处的和弦,轻轻触碰沉睡已久的耳朵,叫醒沉寂已久的孤寂的灵魂......
Born and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, Higgins initially studied privately with his mother. He started his professional career in Chicago, Illinois, while studying at the Northwestern University School of Music. An elegant and sophisticated pianist, his encyclopedic harmonic approach and wide range of his repertory made him one of the most distinctive jazz pianists to come out of Chicago, gaining the respect of local and visiting musicians for his notable mastery of the instrument. Higgins also had the unusual ability to sound equally persuasive in a broad span of music, whether he was playing traditional swing, exciting bebop or reflexive ballads, providing the tone and stylistic flavor of each style, both as soloist and accompanist.
For more than two decades Higgins worked at some of Chicago's most prestigious jazz clubs, including the Brass Rail, Preview Lounge, Blue Note, Cloister Inn and Jazz, Ltd. His longest and most memorable tenure was at the long-gone London House, where he led his jazz trio from the late 1950s to the late 1960s, playing opposite jazz stars of this period, including Cannonball Adderley, Bill Evans, Erroll Garner, Stan Getz, Dizzy Gillespie, Wes Montgomery, Oscar Peterson and George Shearing, among others. Later, Higgins said the opportunities to play jazz music with Coleman Hawkins and Oscar Peterson were unforgettable moments. Higgins spent his time at the London House Restaurant with bassist Richard Evans and drummer Marshall Thompson. Higgins also worked for Chess Records as a producer.
During his stay in Chicago, Higgins also recorded a significant number of albums under his auspices and many more as a sideman with a wide variety of musicians, ranging in style from tenor saxophonists Hawkins to Sonny Stitt to Wayne Shorter; trumpeters Bobby Lewis to Harry Edison to Lee Morgan and Freddie Hubbard; and trombonists Jack Teagarden to Al Grey. His versatility was captured on stage and records, backing up singers and leading his own projects as both pianist and orchestrator, working in every jazz circle from dixieland to modal styles. Although he opted to decline the offer, Higgins was asked at one point by Art Blakey to join the seminal hard bop quintet, The Jazz Messengers.
In 1970, Higgins moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and began spending winters in Florida and summers on Cape Cod, where he played in local clubs. Since the early 1980s, he traveled widely on the jazz festival circuit and performed frequently in Europe and Japan. His releases on the Japanese Venus label earned him number one in jazz sales on more than one album. After that, Higgins played his music mainly in East Asia including Japan and South Korea. During his career in East Asia, Higgins formed a successful trio with Joe Ascione (drums), and Jay Leonhart (bass).
In 1988, Higgins and jazz singer and pianist Meredith d'Ambrosio were married and became a popular team at clubs and festivals, as well as recording for Sunnyside Records. In 2009, dates in Japan and Korea were on his calendar of upcoming concerts, but were suspended due to a long illness.
Higgins died in Fort Lauderdale at the age of 77.
Eddie Higgins's delicate tone and conception were often compared to those of Bill Evans, one of the most influential and successful jazz pianists. He mostly played bop and mainstream jazz music throughout his career. Higgins was at home playing melodies with swing-like feeling. His melodies had groove and swing-feeling without being superfluous. Such swing-feeling of Eddie Higgins was also often compared to those of Oscar Peterson and Nat King Cole.
In 2009, Eddie Higgins received Jazz Disc Award from the most respected jazz magazine in Japan, Swing Journal. With his album, Portrait of Love, Higgins won the Best Album of the Year. In the same year, Higgins received another award from Best Engineering Album of the Year.
三重奏里面流行程度比较高的,一个bill evans的三重奏 一个就是他的三重奏了,他的jazz很柔情,我经常听的《Again》《Bewitched》《If Dreams Come True》《Amor》等等等等,都非常好听,专辑太多了。。。大师!
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