Original Release Date: January 1, 2004
Release Date: January 1, 2004
Label: CPO
Copyright: (C) 2004 CPO
Duration: 4:18 minutes
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1.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium 3:32
2.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station I: Jesus est condamne a mort (Jesus is condemned to death) 2:44
3.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station II: Jesus est charge da le Croix (Jesus receives his cross)3:29
4.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Crucem tuam adoramus2:00
5.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station III: Jesus tombe sous le poids de sa Croix (Jesus falls the first time)4:18
6.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station IV: Jesus rencontre sa mere (Jesus meets his mother)3:46
7.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Christus factus est pro nobis3:46
8.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station V: Simon de Cyreneen aide Jesus a porter sa Croix (Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross)2:37 9.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station VI: Une femme pieuse essuise la face de Jesus (A woman [Veronica] wipes the face of Jesus)3:38
10.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station VII: Jesus tombe a terre pour la seconde foix (Jesus falls a second time)3:32
11.Le Chemin De La Croix (The Stations Of The Cross), Op. 29: Station VIII: Jesus Console Les Filles D'Israel Qui Le Suivent (Jesus Comforts The Women Of Jerusalem)4:55 12.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Popule meus, quid feci tibi; Vers 15:12
13.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station IX: Jesus tombe pour la troisieme fois (Jesus falls a third time)3:31
14.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station X: Jesus est de pouille de ses vetements (Jesus is stripped of his clothes)2:57
15.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Popule meus, quid feci tibi; Vers 22:16
16.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station XI: Jesus est attache sur la Croix (Jesus is nailed on the cross)3:54
17.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station XII: Jesus meurt sur la Croix (Jesus dies upon the cross)4:05
18.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Stabat mater dolorosa6:11
19.Le Chemin De La Croix (The Stations Of The Cross), Op. 29: Station XIII: Jesus Est Detache De La Croix Et Remis A Sa Mere (The Body Of Jesus Is Taken From The Cross And Laid In Mary's Bosom)2:56
20.Le chemin de la croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29: Station XIV: Jesus est mis dans le sepulcre (The body of Jesus is laid in the tomb) 6:07
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