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发表于 2009-7-20 09:05:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、《my little bee》-Minipop微风轻抚着我的面庞




  Minipop, 这支来自美国加州的4人组合终于在今年11月发行了她们首张正式专辑A New Hope,正如外界所期望的那样,专辑自推出后倍受好评,就连 Yahoo Music,Filter Magzine等一些著名音乐媒体也没吝啬对乐队,专辑的赞美之词,作为一支新晋团体,Minipop已迈出成功的第一步.
Go along, my little bee
for you have taken good care of me
And I know someone
Who’s been waiting
Don’t turn in the bed, don’t turn in the bed
You went away again
You went away again
On the day, you were born
Wish I’d been there, keep you safe from harm
But there were trees, full of leaves
And I am so glad, to see you breathe
You went away again
You went away again
You went away again
You went away again
No more guessing
No more guessing

2、SUMMER GIRLS --夏天的?还是阳光的女孩?


LFO虽然他们的演绎生涯较短暂,但还是给欧美的流行舞台留下了美好的形象,三个年轻充满活力的小伙子,他们的活力和热情却给许多歌迷无数的鼓舞,"I Don't Wanna Kiss You Goodnight"是如此的动听,听他们的歌总会让我想到"NKOTB"或"后街男孩"……或许青春偶像派的最终命运就是被一代人淡忘,然后又在多年后这代人重新拾起回味音乐回味自己青春……

yeah, i like it when the girls stop by
in the summer
do you remember?
do you remember
when we met that summer...
new kids on the block had a bunch of hits
chinese food makes me sick
and i think it's fly when girls stop by for the summer,
for the summer
i like girls that wear abercrombie and fitch
i'd take her if i had one wish
but she's been gone since that summer,
since that summer
hip-hop mama layed spic span
met you one summer and it all began
you're the best girl that i ever did see
the great larry bird, jersey 33
when you take a sip, you buzz like a hornet billy
shakespeare wrote a whole bunch of sonnets
call me willy whistle cause i can't speak baby
somethin' in your eyes went and drove me crazy
now i can't forget you and it makes me mad
left one day and never came back
stayed all summer then went back home
mccaullay culkin wasn't home alone
fell deep in love, but now we ain't speakin'
michael j. fox was alex p. keaton
when i met you i said my name was rich
you look like a girl from abercrombie and fitch
new kids on the block had a bunch of hits
chinese food makes me sick
and i think it's fly when girls stop by for the summer,
for the summer
i like girls that wear abercrombie and fitch
i'd take her if i had one wish
but she's been gone since that summer,
since that summer
cherry pez, coke, crush rock, stud boogie
used to hate school, so i had to play hookie
always been hip to the b-boy style
known to act wild and make a girl smile
love new edition and the "candy girl"
remind me of you because you rock my world
you come from georgia where the peaches grow
they drink lemonade and speak real slow
you love hip-hop and rock roll
dad took off when you were 4 years old
there was a good man named paul revere
i feel much better baby when you're near
you love fun dip and cherry coke
i like the way you laugh when i tell a joke
when i met you i said my name was rich
you look like a girl from abercrobie and fitch
new kids on the block had a bunch of hits
chinese food makes me sick
and i think its fly when girls stop by for the summer,
for the summer
i like girls that wear abercrombie and fitch
i'd take her if i had one wish
but she's been gone since that summer,
since that summer
in the summertime girls got it goin' on
shake and wiggle to a hip-hop song
summertime girls are the kind i like
i'll steal your honey like i stole your bike
boogaloo shrimp and pogo sticks
my mind takes me back there oh so quick
let you off the hook like my man mr. limpit
think about that summer and i bug cause i miss it
like the color purple, macaroni and cheese
ruby red slippers and a bunch of trees
call you up, but what's the use
i like kevin bacon, but i hate footloose
you came in the door i said it before
i think i'

3、我只能说-->淋漓尽致Meva-One I Love  

一个不小心遇见录这首歌.看到那张无邪的脸,我的心已经被吸引了.其天使般澄澈纯美的声线几乎无人可及.与恩雅相比,被誉为“嗓音美妙至极,唱工无与伦比”的爱尔兰女歌手媚雅是当今欧洲乐坛上当红的天后级发烧级人物,媚雅的声线在纯净中多了几分柔媚与迷离,更增添了一份迷人的韵致 下边让我来教你如何听这首歌... ... 首先,把你周围的人赶出去 其次,把其他音乐停掉 第三,把你屋子内的其他声音都关掉 然后关上门,关上窗子 你可以听着这首歌了... ... 如果你按照这样的环境听,我保证你不会只听一次 我被迷倒了.
One I love,two she love
Three she’s true to me..
All of my friends fell out with me
Because I kept your company
One I love,two she loves,
And three she’s ture to me
They tell me he’s poor
They tell me he’s youngI tell them all to hold their tongue
If they could part the sand from the sea
They never could part my love from me
One I love,two she loves
Three she’s true to me..
When I’m awake,I find no rest
Until his head lies on my breast
When I’m asleep I’m dreaming of
My own,my dear,my one true love
One I love,two she loves,
Three she’s ture to me
When the fire to ice will run
And when the tide no longer turns
And when the rocks melt whith the sun
My love for you will have just begun.
One I love,two she loves
Three she’s true to me..
One I love,two she love
And three she’s true to me..

4、molly sanden 的savil stjarnorna  来自瑞典


 来自瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩的Molly Sanden,出生于1992年,现就读于瑞典一所名为“ RYTMUS ”的音乐学校,她曾代表瑞典参加罗马尼亚举办的2006年欧洲少年歌手大赛(Junior Eurovision Song Contest,简称JESC)并破格获得了第三名。
  「Samma Himmel」是Molly Sanden的第一张个人专辑,于5月27日正式发行,收录了包括Melodifestivalen 2009参赛曲“Så Vill Stjärnorna”在内的12首歌,感觉其嗓音清新爽朗,对中低音的音域部分把握较好,歌声中尽显青春少女的歌唱魅力。
Se på mig jag står här framför dig
Och det som händer nu känns som magi
Rör vid mig låt hjärtat stilla sig
I all oändlighet finns bara vi  
Jag ser våra spår tror att jag förstår
Så vill stjärnorna så vill gudarna
Högt här ovanför blev det bestämt
Att jag älskar dig som du älskar mig 
Nu vet änglarna att det har hänt
Någonstans visste jag att du fanns
Mitt i min ensamhet rördes min
Himlen log styrde vart steg vi tog
Såg oss i hemlighet ville oss väl
Så vill stjärnorna så vill gudarna
Högt här ovanför blev det bestämt
Bara du allt jag behöver nu
Längtan är över nu älskar dig så  
Så vill stjärnorna så vill gudarna Jbn
Högt här ovanför skrevs det på pränt
Att du älskar mig som jag älskar dig
Så vill stjärnorna så vill gudarna
Så har änglarna bestämt
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