柔情青春的蝴蝶男声Josh Wilson、Aprilsrain

我曾经经历了许许多多,现在,我似乎明白了什么是幸福,在乡下恬静的隐居,尽可能对人们做些简单而有用的善事。尽管人们并不习惯我为他们做了这些,做一份真正有用的工作,最后休息,享受大自然,读书,听音乐,爱戴周围的人,这就是我对幸福的诠释。在这些之上,有你作为我的伴侣,也许还有我们的孩子,一个男人还能再渴望些什么呢?I have lived through much,and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness.A quiet secluded life in the country,with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good,and who are not accustomed to have it done to them.and work which one hopes may be of some use.then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor.Such is mu idea of happiness.And then,on top of all that,you for a mate,and children perhaps.what more can the heart of a man desire? Josh Wilson

Let Me Love You -Josh Wilson https://www.8box.cn/feed/00B0F0_s_190825_1/mini.swf 下载https://224.cachefile17.fs2you.com/a76e/zh-cn/preview/5226a5dc11619b712a563917b6b4c680/preview.mp3 Gone for good

Gone for good -Aprilsrain 来自美国加州的一直独立乐队 https://www.8box.cn/feed/7030A0_s_185708_/mini.swf 下载https://224.cachefile22.fs2you.com/a76e/zh-cn/preview/ac386c64f4d54940c2ffff673bed288d/preview.mp3 https://www.fjsnow.com/bbs/UploadFile/2004-9/2004923185252386.swf 前日与几个朋友欢聚阴天下,一个哥们似乎是喝多了,于是说出了与上面意思相似的话语,也许他是经历了许多艰辛的缘故;可是我总觉得“人新的灵魂来自于新的经历;你要记住,为了梦想,要勇往直前,义无返顾。”即使三零了,内心依然想要怒放的生命。

轻装前行 The core of man's spirit comes form new experiences; and just remember if you wangt something in life,reach out and grab it. |