Two of the Davidsbundler, Schumann’s alter egos Florestan & Eusebius, occupy a central place in all of the composer’s works. Florestan, is extroverted, lively, & wild; Eusebius is intimate, gentle, & shy. The tensions between these 2 extremes also provides a narrative thread for the Davidsbundlertanze. Schumann placed the signature of 1 character or the other at the end of each of the 18 dances; some are even signed by both characters. At the end of the cycle, the 2nd dance, 1 of Eusebius’s melodies, returns, only to be cruelly interrupted by Florestan. But Eusebius, nevertheless, has the last word. Over the last dance, Schumann wrote Ganz zum berflu meinte Eusebius noch folgendes; dabei sprach aber viel Seligkeit au seinen Augen. [Eusebius expressed the following opinion, quite unnecessarily; but at the time, great happiness spoke from his eyes. In 1838, a year after the Davidsbundlertanze, Schumann composed the Arabeske. Peaceful, equable & timeless are words befitting this little composition, meant to be a delicate ornament. The Arabesque, as a musical form, was later used by other composers, such as Debussy & Reger, in an expression of admiration for Schumann. The ‘Gesänge der Frühe’ (Morning songs), like the Davidsbündlertänze, are intimately connected with Schumann’s inner world. On 23 February 1854, Schumann wrote to his publisher how he had wanted to depict the sunrise in this music, more in terms of mood-painting than as a musical portrait. A day later, Schumann threw himself into the Rhine in a suicide attempt; for me, this event is inseparably linked with the emotional content of these works. After years of increasingly violent emotional problems, the Gesänge der Frühe, odes to the sunrise, were the composer’s last works before he was confined in the asylum at Endenich. Even submerged in darkness, his unique spirit continued to search for the light…
~ Paolo Giacometti (translation David Shapero)
DR13 -10.32 dB -30.82 dB.. 1:40.. 01-Davidsbundlertanze -lebhaft
DR12 -21.70 dB -38.77 dB.. 1:42.. 02-Innig
DR13.. -9.62 dB -25.98 dB.. 1:27.. 03-Mit Humor
DR11.. -8.83 dB -24.77 dB.. 0:41.. 04-Ungeduldig
DR13 -21.34 dB -38.95 dB.. 2:27.. 05-Einfach
DR11.. -9.16 dB -24.59 dB.. 1:41.. 06-Sehr rasch
DR15 -14.16 dB -35.96 dB.. 4:56.. 07-Nicht Schnell
DR13 -10.31 dB -26.53 dB.. 1:03.. 08-Frisch
DR12 -10.87 dB -26.87 dB.. 1:34.. 09-Lebhaft
DR11 -10.63 dB -25.17 dB.. 1:23.. 10-Ballademassig
DR12 -21.12 dB -37.72 dB.. 2:16.. 11-Einfach
DR12 -11.14 dB -29.40 dB.. 0:40.. 12-Mit Humor
DR12.. -8.69 dB -25.98 dB.. 3:04.. 13-Wild und lustig
DR12 -21.24 dB -39.00 dB.. 2:40.. 14-Zart und singend
DR12.. -8.49 dB -27.25 dB.. 1:55.. 15-Frisch
DR13.. -8.29 dB -26.16 dB.. 1:25.. 16-Mit gutem Humor
DR15 -10.92 dB -32.82 dB.. 3:45.. 17-Wie aus der Ferne
DR13 -18.77 dB -39.05 dB.. 2:40.. 18-Nicht schnell
DR13 -13.58 dB -33.30 dB.. 6:28.. 19-Arabeske op. 18
DR16 -11.11 dB -35.28 dB.. 2:19.. 20-Gesunge der Fruhe op. 133 – Im ruhigen Tempo
DR13 -10.52 dB -28.21 dB.. 1:33.. 21-Belebt, nicht zu rasch
DR12.. -8.38 dB -24.31 dB.. 2:25.. 22-Lebhaft
DR11 -10.87 dB -28.32 dB.. 1:58.. 23-Bewegt
DR13 -13.93 dB -34.06 dB.. 3:31.. 24-Im anfange ruhiges
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