全新國語大碟,有一首英文歌,新碟由Jim Lee擔任唱片監製。
含Stella So插畫
Title: 不想放手 (Don't Want To Let Go)
Expected Release Date: June 20, 2008
Producer: Jim Lee
Extra: Stella So is expected to illustrate her interpretation of each song, which would then be put side by side with the lyrics and printed on an A4 sized booklet (a little narrower & a little longer than letter size (8.5 in x 11 in)).
Track List:
01. 路...一直都在 (Road...Has Always Been There)
Composer: Adrian Fu
Lyricist: Wu Xiang Fei
Other Info: Theme Song for Johnnie Walker 2008
0x. 不要說話 (Don't Need to Speak)
Composer: Xiao Ke
Lyricist: Xiao Ke
Other Info: Theme Song to the film Esquire Runway
03. 七 (Seven)
Lyricist: Wu Xiang Fei
Other Info: A rather personal piece. The secret to the meaning behind Eason's 七 tattoo behind his neck, only "this person" knows.
0x. 倒帶人生 (Life In Rewind)
Composer: Khalil Fong
Other Info: Demo title: Orange Moon
0x. Aren't You Glad?
Composer: Russell Harris
Language: English
Other Info: British Rock style (i.e. Suede, Queen, Oasis). Lin Xi penned the Chinese lyrics to the song, titled 恭喜你 (Congratulations), but the original English lyrics felt more in place. Lin Xi put a lot of effort into the lyrics so 2 versions (Mandarin & English) was going to be recorded, but Lin Xi insisted on the English version only. Eason insisted that he would one day get the opportunity to perform this song with Lin Xi's Chinese lyrics.
0x. 土星環 (Saturn's Ring)
Composer: Adrian Fu
Lyricist: Wyman Wong
Other Info: Demo title: I'm A Mess. Message of lyrics: a lonely astronaut believes that The Little Prince (or original title, Le Petit Prince) actually exists.
0x. 臭美 (Beautiful Lady)
Composer: Alex Ni
Other Info: Message of lyrics: even a married man can take a look at a beautiful lady. This song is not expected to be plugged.
0x. 獨居動物 (Living Alone Animal)
Other Info: Similar that it is compared to be the follow-up to 謝謝儂, but more difficult to sing. Demo originates from a Japanese group.
09. 臭美
10. 然後怎樣 (What Comes After?)
Lyricist: Lin Xi
Other Info: A quick 2:37 min. track, no music break, performed in one "breath."
(note: all info is up-to-date by Eason himself, but nothing is finalized until the album is released)
Sources: joyceha at discuss, crhk, rthk 05.27.2008
1. 27 Seconds (Music box of "然後怎樣")
2. 路...一直都在
3. 獨居動物
4. 倒帶人生
5. Aren't You Glad
6. 7
7. 不要說話
8. 漂亮小姐
9. 臭美
10. 土星環
11. 然後怎樣
12. Hidden Message
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