Cindy McTee’s compositions embody the musical and cultural energy of modern-day America. Circuits, “a boisterously jazzy sprint” (Detroit Free Press), is followed by Symphony No. 1, a smartly assembled work whose diverse ideas “seemed to unfold naturally within an orchestral fabric that used the ensemble’s full coloristic range” (The New York Times). The use of computer music in Einstein’s Dream lends sonic complexity to a piece that celebrates the scientist’s work on quantum theory.
This album was mastered using our 2xHD proprietary system.In order to achieve the most accurate reproduction of the original recording we tailor our process specifically for each project, using a selection from our pool of state-of-the-art audiophile components and connectors.The process begins with a transfer to analog from the original 24bits/96kHz resolution master, using cutting edge D/A converters.The analog signal is then sent through a hi-end tube pre-amplifierbefore being recorded directly in DXD using the dCS905 A/D and the dCS Vivaldi Clock.All connections used in the process are made of OCC silver cable.
DSD and 192kHz/24Bit versions are separately generated, directly from the analog signal.
Cindy McTee: Circuits
Cindy McTee: Symphony No. 1: Ballet for Orchestra
I. Introduction: On with the Dance
II. Adagio: Till a Silence Fell
III. Waltz: Light Fantastic
IV. Finale: Where Time Plays the Fiddle
Cindy McTee: Einstein's Dream
Einstein's Dream
Cindy McTee: Double Play
I. The Unquestioned Answer
II. Tempus Fugit
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