专辑名称:亚瑟王:斗兽争霸 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
艺术家:Daniel Pemberton
本片改编自亚瑟王圣剑的传说,剧情颠覆传统,一路探索亚瑟从市井到王座的征途。亚瑟的父亲在他小时候就惨遭杀害,亚瑟的叔叔伏提庚(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)篡取王位,剥夺了亚瑟(查理·汉纳姆 Charlie Hunnam 饰)的天赐之权。他浑然不知自己的身世,在城市的穷街陋巷里摸爬滚打着长大,但当他拔出石中剑,他的人生就彻底地天翻地覆了,亚瑟不得不接受自己真正的使命。
01. From Nothing Comes a King
02. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
03. Growing Up Londinium
04. Jackseye's Tale
05. The Story of Mordred
06. Vortigen and the Syrens
07. The Legend of Excalibur
08. Seasoned Oak
09. The Vikings & The Barons
10. The Politics & The Life
11. Tower & Power
12. The Born King
13. Assassins Breathe
14. Run Londinium
15. Fireball
16. Journey to the Caves
17. The Wolf & The Hanged Men
18. Camelot in Flames
19. The Lady in the Lake
20. The Darklands
21. Revelation
22. King Arthur: Destiny of the Sword
23. The Power of Excalibur
24. Knights of the Round Table
25. King Arthur: The Coronation
26. The Devil & The Huntsman
27. The Ballad of Londinium (Bonus Track)
28. Riot & Flames (Bonus Track)
29. Anger (Bonus Track)
30. Cave Fight (Bonus Track)
31. Confrontation with the Common Man (Bonus Track)
32. The Devil & The Daughter (Bonus Track)