YY推荐-Blaxy Girls-If you feel my love (Eng)A very new girls band formed around the 16 years old Rucsy .With the ages between 14 and 18 years old this girls full of talents are ready to "fight" the music world.
The band is interested to be invited to festivals, challenges, venues, etc all over the world.Join today the Street Team or became a fan to be part of this new big thing!The band have participated at Golden Stag 2008 International Challenge and Callatis Festival 2008 (see the videos).The videoclip "If you feel my love" from the very first single with the same name is already TV broadcasted at MTV, VH1, and many other.For bookings and info please contact Music Europe at office@musiceurope.eu . (Rom)O trupa de fete formata de scurt timp in jurul solistei de numai 16 ani Rucsy, care este deja cunoscuta din concursurile castigate, show-rile TV, etc.Formatia este deschisa propunerilor privind participarea la concerte, festivaluri, etc.Blaxy Girls a fost inclusa in participantii calificati la Cerbul de Aur 2008 (www.cerbul de aur.ro)Grabiti-va si deveniti fan sau alaturati-va street team-ului acestui grup care va reprezenta o lovitura in muzica actuala.Rucsandra Iliescu - voice and guitar,
Tirca Amalia - guitar,
Marinescu Cristina - bass,
Marinescu Gela - drums,
Nanu Ana-Maria - keyboards
[ 本帖最后由 angelyulong 于 2009-1-6 20:33 编辑 ] |