
Andreea Balan is a Romanian singer. She was born on June 23, 1984 in Ploiesti,
Romania. She began singing at the age of 10. Her father helped her to choose this
field of activity, as at that time he has been the member of a Romanian act
“Asemeni voua” (Like you). Initially, her father was composing music, with which
Andreea debuted on the big scene.
During childhood, she had been invited to many music festivals like “Micul print”
(The small prince”, where Andreea was named “Mica printesa a Europei” (The small
princess of Europe).
- released her first album “Ametiti de fum” (Dizzy of smoke) in 1998.
As well in 1998, Andreea participated at the National Festivity Eurovision.
At the end of 1998, Andreea Balan and another Romanian singer Andreea Antonescu
initiated the act “Andre”. The act “Andre” released 7 albums, for which received
five platinum CDs and one gold CD. In 2002 the act was broken. In May, 2002
Andreea released her first solo album “Te joci cu mine” (You are joking with me).
The same year, in November she released the second solo album “Libera din nou”
(Again free). In 2003 appeared her first hit “Nopti de vara” (Summer Nights). With
this single, Andreea participated at the Festival in Mamaia (Romania) and obtained
the first place in the section “Hits”
In January, 2004 Andreea Balan launched the sing “Aparente” (Appearences). The
fourth solo album was released in April 2004. The CD is named “Asa sunt eu” (I am
like this) and contains ten melodies and two remixes. The singer considers the
last album the best, because it shows her real feelings. In 2006 the Romanian
singer released another album “AndreeaB”
At present, Andreea is the student of Journalism Philosophy Faculty at the Spiru
Haret University. She hopes to graduate successfully the university and work as a
reporter or moderator on the television.
Andreea Balan来自罗马尼亚的一位美女舞曲歌手 ,干1998年与另一位女歌手Andreea
Antonescu组成了一个组合“Andre” ,这个组合共发了七张大碟 ,在当地Andre可说是一支非常
受欢迎的舞曲组合 ,后来在2002年解散 ,Andreea Balan后来以个人歌手身份,至今也发行了五
张个人大碟 , 成绩也非常不锗 ,今天和大家分享是Andreea Balan在2006年发表的“AndreeaB”
大碟 ,希望大家会喜欢.

1. Andreea Balan si Keo - Nu stiu sa fiu numai pentru tine
2. Andreea Balan feat. Keo - Hungry For Love
3. Andreea Balan - Prinde-ma, aprinde-ma
4. Andreea Balan feat. Laurentiu Duta - Ma doare fara tine
5. Andreea Balan - De ce nu pleci
6. Andreea Balan - Fara tine nu sunt eu
7. Andreea Balan - Prea tarziu pentru mine
8. Andreea Balan - Reply
9. Andreea Balan feat. Bogdan Dima - Mai mult ca ieri
10. Andreea Balan - Always Be With You
11. Andreea Balan - Ma minti
12. Andreea Balan - Don`t Push My Heart
13. Andreea Balan feat. Sarkastik - Hungry For Love (Code remix)
14. Andreea Balan - Nu stiu sa fiu numai pentru tine (Derek Brin remix)
15. Andreea Balan - Libera la mare (2006)

Nu stiu sa fiu numai pentru tine
Don`t Push My Heart
